This simple library helps you to manage your RavenDB servers. It has been tested with RavenDB 3.0 and 3.5.
You will need to provide an API key. Some commands will require Admin
privileges on the <system>
database. The API key feature is only available in commercial licenced versions of RavenDB.
require 'ravendb-manager'
manager = RavenDBManager.create("http://raven.server:8088", "apikey/raBreMBH9xv1aanDPZGx23Kv6ow7mrd")
Will return the build and product version of the server.
=> {"ProductVersion"=>"d3c9854", "BuildVersion"=>30172}
Will list all databases on the server.
=> ["DB1", "DB2"]
Will list all filesystems on the server.
=> ["Filesystem1", "Filesystem2"]
Gets RavenDB alerts from a database.
# Get Alerts of System Database
=> [{"Title"=>"Index disk 'C:\\' has 2697MB (4%) of free space. Indexing will be disabled when it reaches 2048MB.", "CreatedAt"=>"2017-04-18T14:35:25.1926262Z", "Observed"=>false, "LastDismissedAt"=>nil, "Message"=>nil, "AlertLevel"=>"Warning", "Exception"=>nil, "UniqueKey"=>"Free space warning (index)"}]
# Get Alerts of a specific database
=> []
Creates a new database.
# Use Voron as storage backend
manager.create_database("DB3", true)
Creates a new filesystem.
Stores a document. Setting metadata is not (yet) supported.
manager.put_document("DB1", "document1", {'Name' => 'Ivan Vorpatril', 'Age' => 35})
=> "document1"
Reads a document. Will return nil
if key is not found.
manager.get_document("DB1", "document1")
=> {"Name"=>"Ivan Vorpatril", "Age"=>35}
manager.get_document("DB1", "does_not_exist")
=> nil
Starts compaction of a database. This process runs asynchronously. You have to check the result with the returned OperationId.
Important: Database will be offline during the compact process
opid = manager.compact_database("DB1")
=> 8
=> {"Completed"=>true, "Faulted"=>false, "State"=>nil}
=> "Indexing"
=> {"StorageEngine"=>"Esent", "LastDocEtag"=>"01000000 [...]
=> {"ServerName"=>nil, "TotalNumberOfReques [...]
Create a new API key. If an API key with the same name already exists it will be replaced. Returns the newly generated API key.
# Automaticly genrate secret
=> "apikey/raBreMBH9xv1aanDPZGx23Kv6ow7mrd"
# Use explicit secret
manager.create_api_key('apikey', 'kYep0o8QLTqdVSZygJ7xMFO')
=> "apikey/kYep0o8QLTqdVSZygJ7xMFO"
Returns a Hash
with all API keys.
=> {"apikey"=>{:databases=>[{"Admin"=>true, "TenantId"=>"*", "ReadOnly"=>false}, {"Admin"=>true, "TenantId"=>"<system>", "ReadOnly"=>false}], :secret=>"raBreMBH9xv1aanDPZGx23Kv6ow7mrd"}}
Adds permissions for a database to an API key.
# Add read and write permission
manager.add_db_to_api_key('apikey', 'DB1')
# Add admin permission
manager.add_db_to_api_key('apikey', 'DB2', true, false)
# Add read only permission
manager.add_db_to_api_key('apikey', 'DB3', false, true)