Execute a normal build with gradle:
./gradlew clean build
Upon success open index.html
to check your changes.
firefox build/asciidoc/html5/index.html
Do not forget to follow the naming and capitalization guidelines at the end of this README.
To write documentation with live preview see http://asciidoctor.org/docs/editing-asciidoc-with-live-preview/
Simplified installation procedure:
gem install bundler bundle install mkdir -p build bundle exec guard
Please read the glossary and use the terms defined in it.
User interface labels, buttons and actions should be written in italic
For instance, "Click on Submit in the web portal"
Use capitals for ProActive’s terms, as defined in the glossary
Workflow, Job, Scheduler
Use capitals for acronyms: SSH, URL,…
Lines should 120 characters wide max
Write code with blocks (----)
If you need to create diagrams: please use https://docs.google.com/a/activeeon.com/document/d/1_krRw8h7i_F1CqfV7H—WHMPPI2nA1wfHsw_x6QIWpc/edit?usp=sharing
Mind the "ProActive" colors #E87224 and #1c3067