A Unix-based command line utility for debugging, querying and exporting data.
Latest news: 1.3 (build 17.1) is available (July 31, 2014)
usage: semantika queryanswer [OPTIONS...]
(to execute query answer)
semantika rdb2rdf [OPTIONS...]
(to execute RDB2RDF export)
where OPTIONS include:
-c,--config <path> path to Semantika configuration file (default=./application.cfg.xml)
-f,--format <format> flush result in selected format (options: N3,TTL,XML,JSON)
-help print this message
-l,--limit <size> limit the number of returned query result
-o,--output <path> path to output file to flush the result
-q,--quiet be extra quiet
-sparql <arg> input SPARQL query
-sql show the generated SQL (for 'queryanswer' only)
-v,--verbose be extra verbose
-version print the version information and exit
./semantika queryanswer -c application.cfg.xml -l 100 -sparql 'SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x a :Person }'
./semantika rdb2rdf -c application.cfg.xml -o output.n3 -f N3
The tool serve two main functions as: (1) SPARQL query tool and (2) RDB2RDF export tool.
Here are some examples on querying data in database using SPARQL. Note that when the -c
is omitted then the system will search the default configuration application.cfg.xml
at the classpath.
- Simple data query
./semantika queryanswer -sparql 'SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x a :Person }' --quiet
- Data query with max result number (LIMIT=100)
./semantika queryanswer -sparql 'SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x a :Person }' -l 100 --quiet
- Show the generated SQL from the given input query.
./semantika queryanswer -sparql 'SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x a :Person }' -sql --quiet
Here are some examples to export RDB rows into RDF triples which can be useful for importing data to triplestore.
- Export data to NTriples format
./semantika rdb2rdf -o output.n3 -f N3
- Export data to JSON format in silent mode
./semantika rdb2rdf -o output.n3 -f N3 --quiet
- Download and unzip the latest release.
- Create the application-domain model. There are two types of modelling documents, i.e., an OWL ontology document and mapping document(s). The ontology document is optional.
- Create the configuration file. It specifies the location of the model documents and the database connection parameters.
- Place the proper JDBC driver inside the
folder - Run the command provided by the tool.
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