- Enter the minutes and seconds by digit buttons.
- Counting down starts by START / PAUSE button.
- The timer is reset by RESET button on pausing or when counting down finished.
- You can enter number if you press RESET button again.
- Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz (or compatible product)
- 4 digits, 7-segment display module
- IR receiver module
- IR remote controller
- 220Ω resistor × 7
- A switch
- A battery (3.3V)
- Wires, connectors, etc...
Clone the source code and open the project file "SpeakersTimer.ino" with Arduino IDE.
This sketch depends on following libraries. (You can add these by library manager)
Almost certainly, the signal of each button is different according to the controller device.
You have to modify codeTable
and other releated code in "SpeakersTimer.ino".
PROGMEM static const uint32_t codeTable[KEY_MAX] = {
0x00FF9867, 0x00FFA25D, 0x00FF629D, 0x00FFE21D, 0x00FF22DD, // 0 ~ 4
0x00FF02FD, 0x00FFC23D, 0x00FFE01F, 0x00FFA857, 0x00FF906F, // 5 ~ 9
0x00FF6897, 0x00FFB04F, // asterisk, pound
if (IrReceiver.results.decode_type == NEC && IrReceiver.results.bits == 32) {
You can build the source code with following configuration.
- Board: "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini"
- Processor: "ATmega328P (3.3V 8MHz)"
Then, you can transfer binary data to Arduino Pro Mini by any writer.
These codes are licensed under MIT License.