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General curation workflow

Nico Matentzoglu edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 4 revisions
  1. Curate the terms in Google sheets
  2. Copy relevant rows/columns to a new spreadsheet if necessary (in particular if you only want to commit a subset of the curated terms into the ontology)
    1. Make sure that column names correspond to the var names in corresponding DOSDP pattern
  3. Save spreadsheet as TSV
  4. Run release
  5. Create a new branch, labelled something like abnormalmorphology, or even more specialised
  6. Publish branch on GitHub
  7. Ask for reviews and wait for Travis jobs to complete
  8. When happy, merge into master, delete branch
  9. Delete branch locally as well to avoid confusion in future
  10. Pull latest changes from github into your local repository
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