Add extra icons to your Wagtail project.
pip install wagtailextraicons
Then add wagtailextraicons
to your installed apps:
The full list of icons is available at docs/
All icons are namespaced as extraicons--
to avoid clashing with existing Wagtail icons. You can add the extra icons to
your StreamField blocks like any other:
content = StreamField([
You can also add the extra icons to your own custom StructBlock
class PersonBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
person = SnippetChooserBlock('app.Person')
text = blocks.RichTextBlock()
class Meta:
icon = 'extraicons--person'
Reference the Wagtail docs for all the ways to include icons.
- Sam Costigan Octave
The icon fonts are compiled from the list of SVG files in static_src/wagtailextraicons/extraicons. This makes it very easy to add new icons. All that's needed is an appropriate SVG file, so pull requests with new icons are always welcome. There are a few constraints on the icons however:
- The icons must fit within their view box. Icons which don't will cause the fonts view box to have negative values, which results in invalid .ttf and .woff files.
- Try to avoid using strokes, rects, etc. in your SVG. Some of these may work, but plain paths will always work, so prefer paths where possible.
- Don't set colours on your SVG.
Code pull requests are also welcome.
This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the file for details