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Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows #1

Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows

Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4.1.7 in /.github/workflows #1

name: Fully Compliant
branches: [master, main]
branches: [master, main]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Advance Security Compliance Action
uses: advanced-security/policy-as-code@main
# Set the severity levels which to set the threshold. All previous
# severities are included so selecting 'error' also selects 'critical' and
# 'high' along with 'error'.
# severity: error
# Repository owner/name.
# This can be setup using a separate repository to the one being analysed
# for security compliance
# repository: octoaustenstone/ghas-policy-as-code
# The owner/repo of where the policy is stored
# This generally is primarily used for a single repository that defines
# your organizations security policy
policy: octoaustenstone/ghas-policy-as-code
# The path where the policy lives. This might be in either the current
# repository or in a remote repository.
policy-path: policy.yml
# The branch you want to target using `policy` argument
# policy-branch: 'main'
# GitHub Personal Access Token to access the GitHub API.
# Secret Scanning and Dependabot do not allow their resources to be
# exposed to Actions so this might need to be set using a token that has
# the ability to access the resources
token: ${{ secrets.GHAS_POLICY_AS_CODE_TOKEN }}
# [optional] GitHub reference, this is passed in by Actions at runtime
# ref: refs/heads/main
# [optional] What course of action to take upon discovering security issues that pass
# threshold?
# action: break
# [optional] Additional arguments
# argvs: "--disable-secret-scanning --disable-dependabot"