This pages explains what the emojis used in code-review comments and Slack mean. They are shorthand for common situations.
Debug/commented-out code needs removing/uncommenting
Minor/pedantic point - short hand for:
"I know this is deeply pedantic but..."
For comments so pedantic you're almost embarrassed to write them, wrap in <sup>
🐼"Direct Debit" should be title-case.
"Panda-ntic" if you will.
Please eyeball this change/commit/code:
👀 Hey @team, is this change OK? I'm not that familiar with
Same explanation as above (a.k.a. ditto).
Yak-shaving code review comments, as in:
I know this is out of scope for this PR request but...
or something like:
I know you only renamed the file but I'm going to comment on all the green lines in the diff that you didn't write...
For a "drive-by" comment:
I’m just passing through and I haven't done a full review but noticed that...
For highlighting something positive in the pull request
🙌 Nice catch!
When you have a potential concern but are not quite sure if it's relevant or not
❓ Is this condition possible in the real world?
Use when you want to propose improvements to the current subject
🤔 I think you should consider moving this to the domain layer
Used to indicate that a self-review provides additional context and commentary on the changes. Possibly including a recommendation for how to review it (like the tasting notes on a fancy bottle of wine or fine cheese)
👀 - "I'm looking at that now"
✅ - PR approved
🏓 - "I've requested changes" or "I've responded to your feedback" (back to you...)
💬 - comments added
🚢 - PR merged (a.k.a. shipped)
🏀 - PR can be merged immediately after passing review (i.e. a "slam dunk" or, more accurately, an "alley oop")
🦆 - I'm "ducking out" (i.e. going to be away from the keyboard for a bit)