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ODPi Egeria Weekly Meeting 3rd October 2019

Mandy Chessell edited this page Oct 10, 2019 · 3 revisions

ODPi Egeria Weekly Meeting - 3rd October 2019


  • Mandy Chessell
  • Nigel Jones
  • Susan Malaika
  • John Mertic
  • David Radley
  • Ernie Ostic
  • Maarten Steen
  • Chris Replogle


  • Discussion on increasing awareness and use of Egeria
    • Where should the ODPi invest to recruit 8+ new organizations contributing?
      • Vendors integrating
      • Organization's running Egeria as metadata/governance backbone
    • See proposal below ...
  • AOB


  • These are the ideas from the attendees
    • Need to consider what conferences and booth space we should pay for
    • Can we have student projects - badges, projects, competitions, prizes
    • Need a paper flyer for booths - pre-built so can download and print off
      • In fact need multiple flyers on different topics to choose from
    • Consider doing integration with different technologies to draw in the communities around these technologies
      • Blockchain
      • Kafka
      • Avro
      • Kubenetes
    • It would be best to do these as joint development to deepen the relationship
    • Provide specific precanned presentations
    • On website have
      • List of available speakers on Egeria for
        • Universities
        • Professional societies
    • Regular webinars
    • Downloadable media on GitHub
    • Egeria documentary, book, cartoon
    • Offer workshops to plan, design, implement an Egeria installation
    • Short videos (20 min max)
    • Adverts (30 secs)
    • LF training - self-paced learning
    • Getting started - for each persona
    • Hosted environments to try Egeria
    • LinkedIn/Discourse channels
    • Create collaborations with regulators and auditors
    • Join vendor partner communities
    • Use cases
      • Cultural transformation with Egeria
      • Choosing my OMAS


  • Develop a series of "campaigns"
    • Built around a use case/scenarios
    • Describes the problem in terms of the featured personas
    • Explains solution
    • Shows how to run it in Egeria
    • Demonstrate/explain value delivered
    • Collateral created
      • Video
      • Demo/lab notebook
      • Descriptive info on website
      • Blogs/Tweets
      • Webinar
  • List of possible use case/scenarios for the "campaigns"
    • Building a data catalog
    • Creating lineage for reports and AI
    • Sharing metadata between tools
    • Creating a data strategy
    • Deploying Egeria
    • Working with common models
    • Running a data quality program
    • Managing DevOps pipelines from planning to execution
    • Working with vendors to integrate into the ecosystem
    • Adopting Egeria in your organization
    • Secure data access for your data lake
  • What about industry verticals?

Next Meeting

Every Wednesday 8:00am to 9:00am US Eastern

Future Meetings

Previous meeting minutes:

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