Name: rfmRenderThreads
Type: int
Default: -2
Label: 'Render Threads:'
Page: 'Render/Threads
Description: The number of preview or IPR rendering threads. A negative number means to use all but n
Name: rfmBatchThreads
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Batch Threads:'
Page: 'Render/Threads'
Description: The number of threads for batch renders. A negative number means to use all but n processors, and zero means all processors.
Name: rfmRenderIprDestination
Type: string
Default: 'Pixar It'
Label: 'Render to:'
Page: 'Render/IPR Render'
Widget: popup
Options: 'Maya Render View|Pixar It'
Description: Interactive renders can be viewed in Maya's Render View or in Pixar's It application.
Name: rfmRenderIprAOVs
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Output AOVs:'
Page: 'Render/IPR Render'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: AOVs can be output during IPR but they may decrease performance and interactivity.
Name: rfmPruneInvisible
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Prune Invisible Nodes:'
Page: 'Render/IPR Render'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: Invisible objects are not pruned by default during IPR so that they can easily be made visible interactively. For non-IPR renders invisible and templated objects are always pruned.
Name: rfmRenderBatchQueue
Type: string
Default: 'Local Queue'
Label: 'Spool to:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render'
Widget: 'popup'
Options: 'Local Queue|Tractor'
Name: rfmRenderBatchSpoolStyle
Type: string
Default: 'Maya Batch'
Label: 'Spool Style:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render'
Widget: 'popup'
Options: 'Maya Batch|RIB'
Name: rfmRenderBatchFrameChunk
Type: int
Default: 5
Label: 'Frames Per Server:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render'
Description: The number of frames that should be split to a separate batch render process. For example, a 100 frame sequence with a frame chunk of 10 will result in 10 different batch render processes. Each of these batch render processes could potentially be ran on a separate Tractor blade, simultaneously, depending on your render farm setup.
Name: rfmRenderBatchCheckpoint
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Checkpoint:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render'
Description: Checkpoint interval and optional exit time. This can be specified with an interval measured either in a number of increments (i.e., passes over the image), or by the elapsed wall clock time.
For convenience the time-based interval can also be specified with a suffix of s, m, h, or d for seconds, minutes, hours, and days respectively.
- 10i,1h - Deposit a checkpoint image at every 10 increments, stopping the render in 1 hour.
- 1m,5h - Deposit a checkpoint image at every minute, stopping the render in 5 hours.
Name: rfmRenderBatchLaunchDenoiser
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Launch denoiser:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: If enabled, denoising tasks will be added to the render job and launched as usual. If not, images will still be computed with the required AOVs but no denoising will take place.
Name: rfmTractorPaused
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Start Paused:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: Job will be set to paused when spooled.
Name: rfmTractorCleanup
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Delete Temp Files:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: Job will clean up any temporary files needed for batch rendering.
Name: rfmTractorPriority
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Priority:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
'page_open': 'false'
Description: Priority for your job.
Name: rfmTractorService
Type: string
Default: 'PixarRender'
Label: 'Service:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Service keys for your job.
Name: rfmTractorEnvKey
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Env Keys:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Multiple keys can be specified and should be space separated.
These environment keys are recognized by LocalQueue and Tractor out of box:
- maya-* (eg. maya-2018)
- rfm-* (eg. rfm-22.0)
- rmantree=* (eg. rmantree=$RMANTREE)
- rfmtree=* (eg. rfmtree=$RFMTREE)
Name: rfmTractorAfter
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'After:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Delay start of job processing until given time
Ex: 11/24 13:45
Name: rfmTractorCrews
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Crews:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: List of crews. See 'Crews' in the Tractor documentation.
Name: rfmTractorTier
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Tier:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Dispatching tier that the job belongs to. See Scheduling Modes' in the Tractor documentation.
Name: rfmTractorProjects
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Projects:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Project that job belongs to. See 'Limits Configuration' in the Tractor documentation.
Name: rfmTractorComment
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'Comments:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Additional comment about the job.
Name: rfmTractorMetaData
Type: string
Default: '', Label: 'Metadata:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Meta data to add to the job.
Name: rfmTractorWhenDone
Type: string
Default: '', Label: 'When Done Command:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Command to run when job completes withour error.
Name: rfmTractorWhenError
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'When Error Command:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Command to run if there is an error executing the job.
Name: rfmTractorWhenAlways
Type: string
Default: ''
Label: 'When Always Command:'
Page: 'Render/Batch Render/Tractor'
Description: Command to run regardless if job completes with or without errors.
Name: rfmTxManagerWorkers
Type: int
Default: 2
Label: 'Number of processes:'
Page: 'Render/Texture Manager'
min: 1
max: 6,
Description: Number of txmake processes to launch in parallel. Default to 2 (assuming a typical 4-cores computer) You should only increase this if you have more than 8 physical cores.
Name: rfmTxManagerFallbackPath
Type: string
Widget: 'fileInput'
Options: 'directory'
Default: <ws>/renderman/textures
Label: 'Fallback Texture Path:'
Page: 'Render/Texture Manager'
Description: By default, the *.tex file will be written in the same directory as the source image. If this directory is not writable, the texture manager will write to the fallback directory instead.
Name: rfmTxManagerFallbackAlways
Type: int
Widget: 'checkBox'
Default: 0
Label: 'Always Fallback:'
Page: 'Render/Texture Manager'
Description: If on, we always use the fallback path to write textures.
Name: rfmTxManagerShowAdvanced
Type: int
Widget: 'checkBox'
Default: 0
Label: 'Show Advanced Options:'
Page: 'Render/Texture Manager'
Description: Show advanced options that affect texture conversion.
Name: rfmTxManagerTexExtensions
Type: string
Default: 'tex tx txr ptx ptex'
Label: 'Texture Extensions:'
Page: 'Render/Texture Manager'
Description: ("Any file with one of these extensions will not be converted by the texture manager and used as-is. Entries should be space-delimited.
Name: rfmShadingEngineUseRmanPlugs
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'ShadingEngine connection:'
Page: 'Workflow/Shading Nodes'
Widget: 'mapper'
Options: 'Use Maya plugs:0|Use RenderMan plugs:1'
Description: Connect BxDF and Displacemenent nodes to the shadingEngine's RenderMan plugs (rman__shader and rman__displacement) or to Maya's plugs (surfaceShader and displacementShader).
Name: rfmDefaultMayaSurfaceShader
Type: string
Default: 'lambert'
Label: 'Default Maya Surface:'
Page: 'Workflow/Shading Nodes'
Widget: 'popup'
Options: opts
Description: When using the shadingEngine's RenderMan plugs, we need to attach a maya surface shader to avoid a getting a green viewport representation.
None: do not connect anything to surfaceShader.
Use initialShadingGroup shader: connect the default surface shader.
Use callback: you can register a maya callback that be called by RfM after the connection of the RenderMan node. The function takes one argument (the name of the shadingEngine node it should connect to) and returns the name of the created node.
- owner: 'RenderMan_for_Maya'
- hook: 'rmanPostConnectToShadingEngine'
- arg 1: name of the shadingEngine node
Name: rfmSwatches
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Render Swatches'
Page: 'Workflow/Shading Nodes'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: When swatch rendering is enabled in maya, swatches will be rendered for RenderMan materials. When this preference is disabled, swatches for RenderMan materials appear as icons. Light and pattern nodes always appear as icons.
Name: rfmSceneVersionIncrement
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Increment version:'
Page: 'Workflow/Scene Versioning'
Widget: 'mapper'
Options: 'Manually:0|On Preview Render:1|On Batch Render:2',
Description: The version number can be set to automatically increment each time you render.
Name: rfmSceneTakeIncrement
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Increment take:'
Page: 'Workflow/Scene Versioning'
Widget: 'mapper'
Options: 'Manually:0|On Preview Render:1|On Batch Render:2',
Description: The take number can be set to automatically increment each time you render.
Name: rfmSceneVersionPadding
Type: int
Default: 3, Label: 'Version padding:'
Page: 'Workflow/Scene Versioning'
Min: 1
Max: 4
Description: The Version number can be zero-padded in file names.
Name: rfmSceneTakePadding
Type: int
Default: 2
Label: 'Take padding:'
Page: 'Workflow/Scene Versioning'
Min: 1
Max: 4
Description: The Take number can be zero-padded in file names.
Name: rfmDefaultLightShading
Type: int
Default: 0
Label: 'Default Lights Shading:'
Page: 'Viewport/Real Time'
Widget: 'mapper'
Options: 'Wireframe:0|Shaded:1'
Description: Default mode in which lights are created.
Name: rfmVp2TextureExtensions
Type: string
Default: 'tex tx txr'
Label: "Texture file extensions:"
Page: "Viewport/Real Time"
Widget: "default"
Name: rfmVp2DisplayRInLights
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Display R in lights:'
Page: 'Viewport/Real Time'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: Toggle the display of the R logo in viewport lights.
Name: rfmVp2LightWireColor
Type: color
Default: [0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
Label: 'Lights wire color:'
Page: 'Viewport/Real Time'
Widget: 'color'
Description: Color of RenderMan lights wireframes.
Name: rfmVp2LightFilterWireColor
Type: color
Default: [0.1, 0.2, 0.1]
Label: 'Light Filters wire color:'
Page: 'Viewport/Real Time'
Widget: 'color'
Description: Color of RenderMan lights wireframes.
Name: rfmVp2MaxTextureResolution
Type: int
Max: 4096
Default: 256
Label: "Max Texture Resolution:"
Page: "Viewport/Real Time"
Widget: "mapper"
Options: "64:64|128:128|256:256|512:512|1024:1024|2048:2048|4096:4096"
Name: rfmPlayBlastViewerCmd
Type: string
Widget: default
Default: ''
Label: 'Playblast viewer command:'
Page: 'Viewport/Playblast'
Description: An executable that takes a file path with one or more # to specify the frame numbers.
Name: rfmPlayBlastViewerCmdShowOutput
Type: int
Widget: 'checkBox'
Default: 0
Label: 'Show command output:'
Page: 'Viewport/Playblast'
Description: Display the command's output in the script editor.
Name: rfmEnableVpControls
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Viewport controls:'
Page: 'Viewport/RenderMan'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Description: Display RenderMan controls on the left side of the viewports' icon bar.
Name: rfmVpCropWindowColor
Type: color
Default: (1.0, 0.2, 0.0)
Label: 'Crop Window Color:'
Page: 'Viewport/RenderMan'
Description: Choose the color of the crop window in the viewport.
Name: rfmVpFPS
Type: int
Min': 1
Max': 60
Default: 30
Label: 'Max FPS:'
Page: 'Viewport/RenderMan'
Description: Limit the refresh rate of viewport. On OSX, lower refresh rates prevent UI bugs, like the 'sticky mouse' syndroma.
Name: rfmVpProgressBar
Type: int
Default: 1
Label: 'Progress Bar in Viewport:'
Widget: 'checkBox'
Page: 'Viewport/RenderMan'
Description: Display a blue progress bar, the render time and the info string at the bottom of the rendering viewport.
Name: rfmVpInfoString
Type: string
Default: <integrator> max samples: <rmanGlobals.ipr_hider_maxSamples> variance: <rmanGlobals.ipr_ri_pixelVariance:%.03f>
Label: 'Viewport info string:'
Page: 'Viewport/RenderMan'
Description: Choose infos displayed in the viewport. You can use the token substitution syntax.
Name: denoise
Type: int
Label: "Denoise"
Widget: "checkBox"
Default: 0
Page: "Denoise"
Name: frameMode
Type: int
Label: "Mode"
Widget: "mapper"
"options": "Single Frame:0|Cross-Frame:1"
Default: 0
Page: "Denoise"
Use mc.setAttr maybe? After importing maya commands as mc How they get it: mode = mc.getAttr('%s.denoise' % dspy_node)