g++ main.cpp -DK={s in the paper = K * 32} -DD={d in the paper} -O3 -std=c++11 -o bfl
./bfl {graph} {query}
Graph File Format The first line must be "graph_for_greach".
The second line contains V, the number of vertices of the graph.
Then V lines follow. Each line describes edges from a certain vertex, u, to its successors, v_i, in the following format. u: v_1 v_2 ... v_Suc(u)#
Query File Format Each line contains a query, Reach(u, v), in the following format. u v result If result is 0, then Reach(u, v) should be false; if result is 1, then Reach(u, v) should be true; otherwise result should be -1, which means the result it unknown.
Please note vertices are numbered from 0 to V - 1, and the graph must be a DAG.