Unity Catalog Explorer is a TypeScript + Next.js + Chakra UI based Web UI for the Unity Catalog OSS.
As of 2024/06/25, the code implemented in this repository is still a mockup. Additionally, for convenience, the Just command runner is being used, but the following steps can also be executed using npm commands. For more details, please check the contents of the Justfile.
Installs the depedendencies and in the package.json and builds Unity Catalog Explorer:
$ just install && just build
Starts the Unity Catalog Explorer server:
$ just start
To start the Unity Catalog server mock, please execute the following command:
$ just mock
We have adopted the Atomic Design Methodology for structuring UI components, but some modifications are required. The following list explains the guide-line how to structure of your components' hierarchy:
According to the original Atomic Design methodology, atoms can be interpreted as components provided by Chakra UI. However, here we define the atom layer as a layer for re-exporting Chakra UI (for backward compatibility) and ensuring compatibility with the Next.js system.
Molecules are the definition layer of atoms (according to the original Atomic Design methodology) specific to the Unity Catalog Explorer. The difference from the organisim layer is that the components defined here are versatile and relocatable components.
Organisms can be regarded as identical to organisms in the original Atomic Design methodology. In other words, they are components that define page layouts, such as a navigation bar, and are not relocatable within the page.
Templates / Pages
Templates and pages correspond to the layouts and pages of Next.js respectively. Hence, we don't prepare any designated directories for the templates' and/or pages' implementations.