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23 lines (22 loc) · 2.34 KB


File metadata and controls

23 lines (22 loc) · 2.34 KB

Libraries Used In the Project

Libraries Module Purpose
axios axios HTTP Requests, Fetching Data
expo-status-bar StatusBar User Interface Components
nodemailer nodemailer Sending Email
lottie-react-native LottieView Animations, UI Blocking
react useContext, useState State Management
react-i18next useTranslation Multilanguage
react-native View, Text, Image, TouchableOpacity, Modal, TextInput, Button, FlatList, SafeAreaView User Interface Components
react-native Alert, StyleSheet, Vibration, Platform, BackHandler, Device Management
react-native-community/slider Slider User Interface Components
react-native-device-info DeviceInfo Getting information of working devices
react-native-gifted-charts BarChart, PieChart Data Visualization
react-native-html-to-pdf RNHTMLtoPDF Save Receipts As PDF
react-native-nfc-manager NfcManager, NfcTech NFC Login
react-native-paper Icon, Searchbar, Divider, TextInput, SegmentedButtons, Switch, Badge, List User Interface Components
react-navigation/bottom-tabs createBottomTabNavigator Bottom Tab Navigation
react-navigation/native-stack createNativeStackNavigator Navigation Stack
react-native-root-toast Toast Toast Message
react-native-picker/picker Picker User Interface Components
react-navigation/native NavigationContainer Routes-Navigation