Code39 and interleaved 2 of 5 generators for the HP 50g.
A quick & dirty code39 barcode generator I wrote the other night. Usage: place a string on the stack and call the 'bcgen' or 'i25gen' binaries.
Notes on the code39 generator,
- Only the first 10 characters are rendered in the barcode, due to the HP 82240 printer only printing max 166 pixels wide GROBs and 10 characters + 2 terminating chars results in 12*13 = 157 pixels.
- Makefile borrowed from the hpgcc-2 source tree's test directory
- Have the hpobject library installed from according to the instructions
Notes on the i25gen generator,
- the program expects a string on stack with an even number of integers in it
To print the result, you may use something like this to invoke instead of the bcgen binary: << DUP bcgen PR1 DROP >>