The OpenMind project is an infrastructure framework which mission is to allow new AGI-related core system with requirements as follows:
- accumulation of knowledge in universal distributed form
- any universal simplified language or math form of communication context
- deduces answers
- allow input of new information
- checks input for absence of contradictions
- checks input for acceptability by absence of contradictions with existing 100%-certainty knowledge in its knowledge base
- allow requests of known information
- allow requests for deductions
- knows complete context of self as 100% predictability model
- can make modified self copy within required inherited constraints (morphing)
- impossible modification or deletion of existing knowledge or constraints
sudo apt install -y cmake ninja-build g++-10 git cmake-curses-gui ninja-build cmake-qt-gui
sudo apt install -y libboost-all-dev libxss-dev libx11-dev libxcb-screensaver0-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev libopengl-dev freeglut3-dev libleveldb-dev libvulkan-dev liblz4-dev libfmt-dev librocksdb-dev libpython3-all-dev libopencl-clang-dev libtbb-dev
sudo apt install -y libfdb5-dev mono-devel
git clone
cd openmind
mkdir build
cd build
make -j8
As result you can see following libraries produced:
FEATURED ./omnn/math/libmath.a - the libmath which describes Valuable and Variable polymorphic types
DEPENDENCY ./lib/libleveldb.a - LevelDB used by libmath for transparent solutions caching
FEATURED ./omnn/extrapolator/libextrapolator.a - deducing extrapolator based on libmath
PREVIEW ./omnn/rt/libomnn.a - openmind neural network library
PREVIEW ./omnn/ct/libct.a - compile-time lib
FEATURED ./OpenMind/libOpenMind.a - asynchronous goal-oriented state machine
Other package managers:
sudo dnf install -y git-gui cmake-gui clang boost-devel boost-static leveldb-devel libxcb-devel libX11-devel libXScrnSaver-devel ocl-icd-devel
Windows VSCode:
Basic Goals Framework
Asynchronous Interface
Goal Generators
Goal reaching system
Facilities framework
Results processing
Generic context framework - is currently in work and at repository only partially.
Basically its meant to be like Sufix tree (like Trie, but Sufix tree) but more generic upon finish.
Its planned to make its nodes able to be the Context structures as well.
To complete Generic Context Framework
Implement self learning Chatbot as OpenMind sample
lobby of dynamic class generation to C++ standard
Introduce Neural network support as part of current Facilities framework
context based neural network serialization and swapping
Plese, feel free to ask questions on this StackOverflow team:
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Thank you very much, appreciate your support.