Version of the Less compiler for Cassette.Net using the original Js Libraries
Cassette.Less uses dotless. This is a great library and supports mono, but is based on an older version of Less.
This library implements a Less compiler using the windows script host version of less.js for windows. This strictly limits usage to Windows OS, but has the advantage of matching the implementation of less compilation in the Web Essentials Visual Studio extension.
The compiler needs file acces to write the resources to disc before running the compiler. this might pose a consern for some.
##Usage NancyFx:
Add this method to the project your bootstrapper resides in. It will add the assembly to cassettes assemblyscan. wich is a separate container than Nancys container.
using Nancy.Bootstrapper;
namespace Web.Registrations
public class CassetteNancyPluginRegistrations : ApplicationRegistrations
public CassetteNancyPluginRegistrations()
AppDomainAssemblyTypeScanner.AddAssembliesToScan(assembly => assembly.FullName.Contains("Cassette.LessJs"));
##Usage MVC
To use it, add the DLL to your project and replace the Less configuration with the corresponding LessJs configuration
container.Register(Cassette.Stylesheets.ILessCompiler, Cassette.Stylesheets.LessCompiler).AsMultiInstance();
container.Register(Cassette.Stylesheets.ILessJsCompiler, Cassette.Stylesheets.LessJsCompiler).AsMultiInstance();