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Installation Procedure (pre alpha)

naratetaerat edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

0. I encourage you to work as a ‘root’ in the interactive shell by executing ‘sudo su -’ (so that you don’t have to type sudo in every command)
1. Download HA-OSCAR deb packages from
(Suppose your HA-OSCAR deb packages are in HAOSCAR_DEB directory)
2. Download SystemImager deb packages from
(Suppose your SystemImager deb packages are in SI_DEB directory)
3. Install ha-oscar packages from 1.
4. Go into SI_DEB directory and run command ‘’
(This will install—via aptitude—the prerequisites for systemimager stuffs. Then, it will install all .deb of the systemimager)
5. System Imager is kind of stupid … you have to do some more thing for it to work.
5.1 In /etc/fstab if your mounting device are listed as UID=######,
please change those to /dev/XXX where XXX is your
partition (e.g. sda1, hda1, …)
5.2 In /etc/hosts, you have to use your real IP address instead of for your hostname.
(e.g. mine was “ test-1”, it has to change to
“ test-1”—provided that my network is

If you do not do 5.1, System Imager Server will transfer the image anyhow, but its pre-installation script will screw the secondary server MBR and you won’t be able to boot the secondary server. I forgot the problem if you didn’t do 5.2 … it’s OK too if you want to try not doing it and see the result :)

6. Now, you’re free to run our installation script. Run ‘haoscar_configure -m primary’
and answer the questions

  • IMPORTANT * In the heartbeat or HA question about the security phrase, please give
    it some strings. Don’t leave it blank or your heartbeat won’t work (you may fix this later though).

7. Just wait until it finish

  • ISSUE/BUG * The main configuration python script can’t detect that the shell script handling
    system imager stuffs is done (I’m sure that the System Imager stuffs are done by checking the
    service named ‘systemimager-server-rsyncd’ using command ‘service systemimager-server-rsyncd status’.
    It reported that the service is up, which guarantee that the configuration process reached the very end of the shell script)
    We need to investigate more in this issue.

8. Once the service ‘systemimager-server-rsyncd’ is up, we can now do the image transfer.
Just do the network boot on your secondary server, then wait until the image transfer is finished.
The system should be automatically restarted once the transfer is finished and now you have your secondary
server ready :D

9. Try to ifdown your primary server to test the IP fail over
(I tested it and it worked)

10. Try to ifup your primary server back to see if the IP fail back worked.
(I tried it, but it didn’t work … we have to investigate into this too T_T)

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