BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocation Properties Name Type Description Notes MaxEventsUsedForEvaluation Int32 [optional] [default to 20] MinEventsNeededForEvaluation Int32 [optional] [default to 0] Granularity LocationGranularity RadiusKilometers Int32 Required when `granularity` is `LAT_LONG`. Radius from the provided coordinates in kilometers. [optional] Examples Prepare the resource $BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocation = Initialize-Okta.PowerShellBehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocation -MaxEventsUsedForEvaluation null ` -MinEventsNeededForEvaluation null ` -Granularity null ` -RadiusKilometers null Convert the resource to JSON $BehaviorRuleSettingsAnomalousLocation | ConvertTo-JSON [Back to Model list] [Back to API list] [Back to README]