Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Description | String | [optional] | |
Enum | String[] | [optional] | |
ExternalName | String | [optional] | |
ExternalNamespace | String | [optional] | |
Items | UserSchemaAttributeItems | [optional] | |
Master | UserSchemaAttributeMaster | [optional] | |
MaxLength | Int32 | [optional] | |
MinLength | Int32 | [optional] | |
Mutability | String | [optional] | |
OneOf | UserSchemaAttributeEnum[] | [optional] | |
Pattern | String | [optional] | |
Permissions | UserSchemaAttributePermission[] | [optional] | |
Required | Boolean | [optional] | |
Scope | UserSchemaAttributeScope | [optional] | |
Title | String | [optional] | |
Type | UserSchemaAttributeType | [optional] | |
Union | UserSchemaAttributeUnion | [optional] | |
Unique | String | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$UserSchemaAttribute = Initialize-Okta.PowerShellUserSchemaAttribute -Description null `
-Enum null `
-ExternalName null `
-ExternalNamespace null `
-Items null `
-Master null `
-MaxLength null `
-MinLength null `
-Mutability null `
-OneOf null `
-Pattern null `
-Permissions null `
-Required null `
-Scope null `
-Title null `
-Type null `
-Union null `
-Unique null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$UserSchemaAttribute | ConvertTo-JSON