Daily log file reader for Laravel applications.
In addition to the primary function, this package offers pagination for both, content and log files, as well a transparent line-by-line reading, making it possible to work with large files without loading them entirely into memory.
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\RecordReader;
RecordReader::from(disk: 'file_system_name')
->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log')
⭐ This package is intended for reading daily log files generated by Laravel applications. Using it for reading other types can (and will) give erroneous results.
⭐ This package does not provide views, as it is a feature that would, in practice, be little used, given the personal preferences of each one. Therefore, the implementation of views is up to the application developer.
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PHP ^8.0
For a full requirements check:
Via Composer
composer require fcno/log-reader composer check-platform-reqs
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Set up a custom channel to define fields and delimiters for records in a daily log file
// config/logging.php 'channels' => [ ... 'custom' => [ 'driver' => 'daily', 'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'), 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), // according to your need 'days' => 30, // according to your need 'formatter' => Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter::class, 'formatter_with' => [ 'format' => "#@#%datetime%|||%channel%|||%level_name%|||%message%|||%context%|||%extra%@#@\n", 'dateFormat' => 'd-m-Y H:i:s', ], ], ],
Set the LOG_CHANNEL env variable to use the channel created
// .env LOG_CHANNEL=custom
Define and set up the disk where log files are stored
// config/filesystems.php 'disks' => [ // ... 'disk_name' => [ 'driver' => 'local', 'root' => storage_path('logs'), // according to your need ], ],
Install package via composer:
composer require fcno/log-reader
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This package exposes three ways to interact with log files, each through a Facade with specific goals:
Responsible for manipulating the files (in the pattern laravel-yyyy-mm-dd.log), without reading their content.
✏️ from
Signature and usage: tells package which disk the application stores log files on
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\LogReader; /** * @param string $disk File System log disk name * * @return static */ LogReader::from(disk: 'disk_name');
Return: Instance of class LogReader
✏️ get
Signature and Usage: All log files on disk
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\LogReader; /** * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ LogReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->get();
Return: Collection with all log files on disk informed sorted from newest to oldest
// \Illuminate\Support\Collection; [ 0 => "laravel-2021-12-27.log", 1 => "laravel-2021-12-26.log", 2 => "laravel-2021-12-25.log", 3 => "laravel-2021-12-24.log", 4 => "laravel-2021-12-23.log", 5 => "laravel-2021-12-22.log", 6 => "laravel-2021-12-21.log", 7 => "laravel-2021-12-20.log", 8 => "laravel-2021-12-19.log", 9 => "laravel-2021-12-18.log", // ... ]
✏️ paginate
Signature and usage: 5 log files from page 2, ie 6th to 10th files
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\LogReader; /** * @param int $page page number * @param int $per_page items per page * * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\InvalidPaginationException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ LogReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->paginate(page: 2, per_page: 5);
Return: Collection paged with data in the same format as the get method
It will return an empty Collection or with a smaller number of items than expected, if the list of files has already reached its end.
🚨 Exceptions:
Method get throws:
- \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
Method paginate throws:
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\InvalidPaginationException if $page or $per_page are less than 1
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
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Responsible for reading the contents (records) from the log file.
The record is the name given to the set of information that was added to the log in order to record data about an event of interest.
A log file can contain one or more records and, given its infinity, can be paged at the discretion of the application developer.
✏️ from
Signature and usage: tells package which disk the application stores log files on
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\RecordReader; /** * @param string $disk File System log disk name * * @return static */ RecordReader::from(disk: 'disk_name');
Return: Instance of class RecordReader
✏️ infoAbout
Signature and usage: tells package which log file should be worked on
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\RecordReader; /** * @param string $log_file name of the log file that will be worked on * * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\NotDailyLogException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return static */ RecordReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log');
Return: Instance of class RecordReader
✏️ get
Signature and Usage: All log file records
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\RecordReader; /** * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ RecordReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log') ->get();
Return: Collection with all log file records
// \Illuminate\Support\Collection; [ "date" => "2021-12-27", "time" => "03:05:08", "env" => "production", "level" => "emergency", "message" => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", "context" => "Donec ultrices ex libero, ut euismod dui vulputate et. Quisque et vestibulum eros, quis dapibus ipsum.", "extra" => "" ], [ "date" => "2021-12-27", "time" => "04:05:08", "env" => "local", "level" => "info", "message" => "Donec imperdiet dapibus facilisis.", "context" => "Integer sollicitudin, mauris sit amet luctus finibus, arcu lorem fringilla velit, eget scelerisque ex metus in ante.", "extra" => "velit" ]
✏️ paginate
Signature and usage: 5 records from page 2 of the log file, ie 6th to 10th
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\RecordReader; /** * @param int $page page number * @param int $per_page items per page * * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\InvalidPaginationException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ RecordReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log') ->paginate(page: 2, per_page: 5);
Return: Collection paged with data in the same format as the get method
It will return an empty Collection or with a smaller number of items than expected, if the list of files has already reached its end.
The records are displayed in the order they are written to the file. There is no sorting done by this package.
🚨 Exceptions:
Method infoAbout throws:
Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException if the file is not found;
Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\NotDailyLogException if the file is not in the pattern laravel-yyy-mm-dd.log.
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
Method get throws:
- \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
Method paginate throws:
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\InvalidPaginationException if $page or $per_page are less than 1
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
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Responsible for reading the content (records) from the log file and generating a summary.
The summary is the name given to the count of records by level, ie, the amount of records of the type debug, info, notice etc.
✏️ from
Signature and usage: tells package which disk the application stores log files on
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\SummaryReader; /** * @param string $disk File System log disk name * * @return static */ SummaryReader::from(disk: 'disk_name');
Return: Instance of class SummaryReader
✏️ infoAbout
Signature and usage: tells package which log file should be worked on
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\SummaryReader; /** * @param string $log_file name of the log file that will be worked on * * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\NotDailyLogException * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return static */ SummaryReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log');
✏️ get
Signature and Usage: Summary of all log file records as well as their date
use Fcno\LogReader\Facades\SummaryReader; /** * @throws \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ SummaryReader::from(disk: 'disk_name') ->infoAbout(log_file: 'filename.log') ->get();
Return: Collection with the summary of all records of the log file informed as well as their date, that is, the amount of occurrences of the various log levels present in the file, as well as the date of their occurrences
// \Illuminate\Support\Collection; [ "alert" => 5, "debug" => 10, "date" => "2021-12-27" ], [ "emergency" => 1, "info" => 5, "warning" => 10, "date" => "2021-12-26" ]
This package does not have embedded in its code the need for the application's log levels to adhere to PSR-3. However, it is considered good practice to implement this type of pattern in the application.
Levels that do not have records will not be returned (counted) in the Collection.
The date, in the pattern yyyy-mm-dd, returned is the one present in the first record. It is assumed that all logs in the file were generated on the same day as this package is for daily logs.
🚨 Exceptions:
Method infoAbout throws:
Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException if the file is not found;
Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\NotDailyLogException if the file is not in the pattern laravel-yyy-mm-dd.log.
\Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
Method get throws:
- \Fcno\LogReader\Exceptions\FileSystemNotDefinedException if the method is called without previously set the disk of the File System
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composer analyse
composer test
composer test-coverage
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Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed in each release.
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
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In order to ensure that everyone is welcome to this open-source project, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.
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Please see our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
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The latest version will be supported and updated as needed. The others will only receive updates to fix security vulnerabilities for up to 06 months after it has been replaced by a new version.
🐛 Found a bug?!?! Open a issue.
✨ Any new ideas?!?! Start a discussion.
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👋 Thanks to the people and organizations below for taking the time to build open-source projects that were used in this package.
❤️ Laravel for the packages:
❤️ Spatie for the packages:
❤️ Orchestra Platform for the package orchestral/testbench
❤️ Nuno Maduro for the packages:
❤️ PEST for the packages:
❤️ Benjamin Cremer for the package bcremer/LineReader
❤️ Jordi Boggiano for the package Seldaek/monolog
❤️ Sebastian Bergmann for the package sebastianbergmann/phpunit
❤️ FakerPHP for the package FakerPHP/Faker
❤️ PHPStan for the packages:
💸 Some of these people or organizations have some products/services that can be purchased. If you can help them by purchasing one of them or becoming a sponsor, even for a short period, it will help the entire open-source community to continue developing solutions for everyone.
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
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