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295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions doc/codecompanion.txt
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*codecompanion.txt* Use the OpenAI APIs directly in Neovim

Table of Contents *codecompanion-table-of-contents*

- Features |codecompanion-features|
- Requirements |codecompanion-requirements|
- Installation |codecompanion-installation|
- Configuration |codecompanion-configuration|
- Usage |codecompanion-usage|
- Helpers |codecompanion-helpers|

FEATURES *codecompanion-features*

- Chat with the OpenAI APIs via a Neovim buffer
- Built in actions for specific language prompts, LSP error fixes and inline code generation
- Create your own custom actions for Neovim which hook into OpenAI
- Save and restore your chats
- Async execution for improved performance

REQUIREMENTS *codecompanion-requirements*

- An API key from OpenAI (get one here <>)
- The `curl` library installed
- Neovim 0.9.0 or greater

INSTALLATION *codecompanion-installation*

- Set your OpenAI API Key as an environment variable in your shell (default name: `OPENAI_API_KEY`)
- Install the plugin with your package manager of choice:

-- Lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
"stevearc/dressing.nvim", -- Optional: Improves the default Neovim UI
opts = {},
cmd = { "CodeCompanionChat", "CodeCompanionActions" },
config = true

-- Packer.nvim
config = function()
requires = {

CONFIGURATION *codecompanion-configuration*

The plugin comes with the following defaults:

api_key = "OPENAI_API_KEY", -- Your OpenAI API key
org_api_key = "OPENAI_ORG_KEY", -- Your organisation OpenAI API key
base_url = "", -- The URL to use for the API requests
ai_settings = {
-- Default settings for the Completions API
-- See
models = {
chat = "gpt-4-1106-preview",
author = "gpt-4-1106-preview",
advisor = "gpt-4-1106-preview",
temperature = 1,
top_p = 1,
stop = nil,
max_tokens = nil,
presence_penalty = 0,
frequency_penalty = 0,
logit_bias = nil,
user = nil,
conversations = {
auto_save = true, -- Once a conversation is created/loaded, automatically save it
save_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/codecompanion/conversations",
display = { -- How to display `advisor` outputs
type = "popup", -- popup|split
split = "horizontal" -- horizontal|vertical
height = 0.7,
width = 0.8,
log_level = "ERROR", -- One of: TRACE, DEBUG, ERROR
send_code = true, -- Send your code to OpenAI
show_token_count = true, -- Show the token count for the current chat
use_default_actions = true, -- The actions that appear in the action palette

Modify these settings via the `opts` table in Lazy.nvim or by calling the
`require("codecompanion").setup()` function in Packer.

**Note**The `send_code` option can prevent any visual selections from being
sent to OpenAI for processing as part of any `advisor` or `author` actions

USAGE *codecompanion-usage*

The plugin has a number of commands:

- `CodeCompanionChat` - To open up a new chat buffer
- `CodeCompanionActions` - To open up the action selector window
- `CodeCompanionSaveConversationAs` - Saves a chat buffer as a conversation

They can be assigned to keymaps with:

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<C-a>", "<cmd>CodeCompanionActions<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("v", "<C-a>", "<cmd>CodeCompanionActions<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<LocalLeader>a", "<cmd>CodeCompanionChat<cr>", { noremap = true, silent = true })

**Note**For some actions, visual mode allows your selection to be sent directly
to the chat buffer or OpenAI themselves in the case of `author` actions


The Action Palette, opened via `:CodeCompanionActions`, contains all of the
actions and their associated strategies for the plugin. It’s the fastest way
to start leveraging CodeCompanion. Depending on whether you’re in _normal_ or
_visual_ mode will affect the options that are available in the palette.

You may add your own actions into the palette by altering your configuration:

actions = {
name = "My new action",
strategy = "chat"
description = "Some cool action you can do",

**Note**We describe how to do this in detail within the `` file
Or, if you wish to turn off the default actions, set `use_default_actions =
false` in your config.


The Chat Buffer is where you can converse with OpenAI, directly from Neovim. It
behaves as a regular markdown buffer with some clever additions. When the
buffer is written, autocmds trigger the sending of its content to the OpenAI
API in the form of prompts. These prompts are segmented by H1 headers into
`user` and `assistant` (see OpenAI’s Chat Completions API
for more on this). When a response is received, it is then streamed back into
the buffer. The result is that you experience the feel of conversing with
ChatGPT, from within Neovim.

**Note**You can cancel a request at any point by pressing `q`.
At the very top of the Chat Buffer are the parameters which can be changed to
affect the API’s response back to you. You can find more detail about them by
moving the cursor over them or referring to the Chat Completions reference
guide <>. The parameters can
be tweaked and modified throughout the conversation.

Chat Buffers are not automatically saved into sessions owing to them being an
`acwrite` buftype (|buftype|). However the plugin allows for this via the
notion of Conversations. Simply run `:CodeCompanionSaveConversationAs` in the
buffer you wish to save. Conversations can then be restored via the Action
Palette and the _Load conversations_ actions. When a conversation is saved or
loaded it will automatically save to disk.


The plugin comes with a number of in-built actions
which aim to improve your Neovim workflow. Actions make use of strategies which
are abstractions built around Neovim and OpenAI functionality. Before we dive
in to the actions, it’s worth explaining what each of the strategies do:

- `chat` - A strategy for opening up a chat buffer allowing the user to converse directly with OpenAI
- `author` - A strategy for allowing OpenAI responses to be written directly into a Neovim buffer
- `advisor` - A strategy for outputting OpenAI responses into a split or a popup, alongside a Neovim buffer


Both of these actions utilise the `chat` strategy. The `Chat` action opens up a
fresh chat buffer. The `Chat as` action allows for persona based context to be
set in the chat buffer allowing for better and more detailed responses from

**Note**Both of these actions allow for visually selected code to be sent to
the chat buffer as code blocks.


This action utilises the `author` strategy. This action can be useful for
generating code or even refactoring a visual selection based on a prompt by the
user. The action is designed to write code for the buffer filetype that it is
initated in, or, if run from a terminal prompt, to write commands.


As the name suggests, this action provides advice on a visual selection of code
and utilises the `advisor` strategy. It uses the `display` configuration option
to output the response from OpenAI into a split or a popup. Inevitably, the
response back from OpenAI may lead to more questions. Pressing `c` in the
advisor buffer will take the conversation to a chat buffer. Pressing `q` will
close the buffer.

**Note**For some users, the sending of code to OpenAI may not be an option. In
those instances, you can set `send_code = false` in your config.


Taken from the fantastic Wtf.nvim <>
plugin, this action provides advice (utilising the `advisor` strategy) on any
LSP diagnostics which occur across visually selected lines and how they can be
fixed. Again, the `send_code = false` value can be set in your config to only
send diagnostic messages to OpenAI.

HELPERS *codecompanion-helpers*


The plugin fires events at the start and the conclusion of an API request. A
user can hook into these as follows:

local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CodeCompanionHooks", {})

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "User" }, {
pattern = "CodeCompanion",
group = group,
callback = function(request)
print( -- outputs "started" or "finished"

**Note**The author uses these to display an icon in his statusline.


If you use the fantastic Heirline.nvim
<> plugin, consider the following
snippet to display an icon in the statusline whilst CodeCompanion is speaking
to the LLM:

local OpenAI = {
static = {
processing = false,
update = {
pattern = "CodeCompanion",
callback = function(self, args)
self.processing = ( == "started")
condition = function(self)
return self.processing
provider = " ",
hl = { fg = "yellow" },

Generated by panvimdoc <>


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