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File metadata and controls

476 lines (338 loc) · 12.8 KB


A Clojure library designed to allow Clojure configuration to travel between hosts.

You can use Nomad to define and access host-specific configuration, which can be saved and tracked through your usual version control system. For example, when you're developing a web application, you may want the web port to be different between development and production instances, or you may want to send out e-mails to clients (or not!) depending on the host that the application is running on.

While this does sound an easy thing to do, I have found myself coding this in many different projects, so it was time to turn it into a separate dependency!



Add the nomad dependency to your project.clj

;; stable
[jarohen/nomad "0.5.1"]

;; bug-fixes only
[jarohen/nomad "0.4.1"]
[jarohen/nomad "0.3.3"]
[jarohen/nomad "0.2.1"]

Version 0.5.x has a minor breaking change around environments

Version 0.4.x introduces 'environments' and has a minor breaking change.

Version 0.3.x introduces a large breaking change to 0.2.x, namely that current host/instance config is now all merged into one consolidated map. Please do not just update your project.clj version without testing!

Version 0.2.x will now be maintained with bug-fixes, but no new features will be backported.

Please see 'Changes', below.

'Hello world!'

Nomad expects your configuration to be stored in an EDN file. Nomad does expect a particular structure for your configuration, however it will load any data structure in the file.

To load the data structure in the file, use the defconfig macro, passing in either a file or a classpath resource:


{:my-key "my-value"}


(ns my-ns
    (:require [nomad :refer [defconfig]
              [ :as io]]))

(defconfig my-config (io/resource "config/my-config.edn"))

;; -> {:my-key "my-value"}


Nomad will cache the configuration where possible, but will auto-reload the configuration if the underlying file is modified.

Differentiating between hosts

To differentiate between different hosts, put the configuration for each host under a :nomad/hosts key, then under a string key for the given hostname, as follows:

{:nomad/hosts {"my-laptop" {:key1 "dev-value"}
               "my-web-server" {:key1 "prod-value"}}}

Nomad will then merge the configuration of the current host into the returned map:

(get-in (my-config) [:key1])
;; On "my-laptop", will return "dev-value"
;; On "my-web-server", will return "prod-value"

;; Previously (0.2.x), you would have to have done:
;; (get-in (my-config) [:nomad/current-host :key1])

Nomad also adds the :nomad/hostname key to the map, with the hostname of the current machine.


Nomad also allows you to set up different 'instances' running on the same host. To differentiate between instances, add a :nomad/instances map under the given host:

				{:data-directory "/home/me/.dev1"}
                {:data-directory "/home/me/.dev2"}}}}}

To differentiate between instances, set the NOMAD_INSTANCE environment variable before running your application:

NOMAD_INSTANCE="DEV2" lein ring server

Then, the current instance configuration will also be merged into the map:

(let [{:keys [data-directory]} (my-config)]
	(slurp (io/file data-directory "data-file.edn")))

;; will slurp "/home/me/.dev2/data-file.edn

Similarly to the current host, Nomad adds a :nomad/instance key to the map, with the name of the current instance.

Grouping hosts together - Environments (0.4.1)

Version 0.4.1 introduces the concept of 'environments' - similar to Rails's RAILS_ENV. You can specify configuration for a group of machines under the :nomad/environments key:

		{:send-emails? false}
	    {:send-emails? true}}}

You can then set the NOMAD_ENV environment variable when starting your REPL/application, and Nomad will merge in the correct environment configuration:

NOMAD_ENV=dev lein repl

Referring to file paths

You can use the #nomad/file reader macro to declare files in your configuration, in addition to the usual Clojure reader macros.


		{:data-directory #nomad/file "/home/james/.my-app"}}}


(ns my-ns
    (:require [nomad :refer [defconfig]
              [ :as io]]))

(defconfig my-config (io/resource "config/my-config.edn"))

(type (:data-directory (my-config)))
;; ->

(This reader macro only applies for the configuration file, and will not impact the rest of your application. Having said this, Nomad is open-source - so please feel free to pinch the two lines of code that it took to implement this!)


Snippets (introduced in v0.3.1) allow you to refer to shared snippets of configuration from within your individual host/instance maps.

Why snippets?

I've found, both through my usage of Nomad and through feedback from others, that a lot of host-specific config is duplicated between similar hosts.

One example that comes up time and time again is database configuration - while it does differ from host to host, most hosts select from one of only a small number of distinct configurations (i.e. dev databases vs staging vs prod). Previously, this would mean either duplicating each database's configuration in each of the hosts that used it, or implementing a level of indirection in each project that uses Nomad.

The introduction of 'snippets' means that each distinct database configuration only needs to be declared once, and each host simply contains a pointer to the relevant snippet.

Using snippets

Snippets are declared under the :nomad/snippets key at the top level of your configuration map:

	    {:dev {:host "dev-host"
		       :user "dev-user"}}
		 :prod {:host "prod-host"
		        :user "prod-user"}}}

You can then refer to them using the #nomad/snippet reader macro, passing a vector of keys to navigate down into the snippets map. So, for example, to refer to the :dev database, use #nomad/snippet [:databases :dev] in your host config, as follows:

{:nomad/snippets { ... as before ... }
	     {:database #nomad/snippet [:databases :dev]}
		 {:database #nomad/snippet [:databases :prod]}}}

When you query the configuration map for the database host, Nomad will return your configuration map, but with the snippet dereferenced:

(ns my-ns
    (:require [nomad :refer [defconfig]
              [ :as io]]))

(defconfig my-config (io/resource "config/my-config.edn"))

;; on "my-host"
;; -> {:database {:host "dev-host"
;;                :user "dev-user"}
;;     ... }

Private configuration

Some configuration probably shouldn't belong in source code control - i.e. passwords, credentials, production secrets etc. Nomad allows you to define 'private configuration files' - a reference to either general, host-, or instance-specific files outside of your classpath to include in the configuration map.

To do this, include a :nomad/private-file key in either your general, host, or instance config, pointing to a file on the local file system:


		;; Using the '#nomad/file' reader macro
		{:nomad/private-file #nomad/file "/home/me/.my-app/secret-config.edn"
		{:database {:username "my-user"
		            :password :will-be-overridden}}}}}

/home/me/.my-app/secret-config.edn (outside of source code)

{:database {:password "password123"}}
;; because all the best passwords are... ;)

The private configuration is recursively merged into the public host configuration, as follows:


(ns my-ns
    (:require [nomad :refer [defconfig]
              [ :as io]]))

(defconfig my-config (io/resource "config/my-config.edn"))

(get-in (my-config) [:database])
;; -> {:username "my-user", :password "password123"}

Order of preference

Nomad now merges all of your public/private/host/instance configuration into one big map, with the following priorities (in decreasing order of preference):

  • Private instance config
  • Public instance config
  • Private host config
  • Public host config
  • Private config outside of :nomad/hosts
  • General config outside of :nomad/hosts

Where does that config value come from?!?!

Nomad stores the individual components of the configuration as meta-information on the returned config:

(ns my-ns
    (:require [nomad :refer [defconfig]
              [ :as io]]))

(defconfig my-config (io/resource "config/my-config.edn"))

(meta (my-config))
;; -> {:general {:config ...}
;;     :general-private {:config ...}
;;     :environment {:config ...}
;;     :environment-private {:config ...}
;;     :host {:config ...}
;;     :host-private {:config ...}
;;     :instance {:config ...}
;;     :instance-private {:config ...}
;;     :location {:config ...}}

Configuration structure - Summary (legacy)

(this only applies to the legacy 0.2.x branch, included for posterity. In 0.3.x and later, this is all merged into one map)

The structure of the resulting configuration map is as follows:

  • :nomad/hosts - the configuration for all of the hosts
    • "hostname"
      • :nomad/instances - the configuration for all of the instances on this host
        • "instance-name" { ... }
        • "another-instance" { ... }
      • ... - other host-related configuration
    • "other-host" { ... }
  • :nomad/current-host { ... } - added by Nomad at run-time: the configuration of the current host (copied from the host map, above), merged with any code from the current host's private configuration file.
  • :nomad/current-instance { ... } - added by Nomad at run-time: the configuration of the current instance (copied from the instance map), merged with any code from the current instance's private configuration file.


Please feel free to submit bug reports/patches etc through the GitHub repository in the usual way!




More helpful error message when a snippet can't be found. No breaking changes.


Minor breaking change - removing the whole :nomad/environments map from the full resulting configuration, in line with :nomad/hosts


Adding in concept of 'environments'

Minor breaking change - in the config meta-information, :environment now points to the current environment's config, and the old :environment key can now be found under :location


Handling gracefully when any of the configuration files don't exist.

No breaking changes.


Allowed private config in the general section, for private files in a known, common location.

No breaking changes.

Thanks Michael Jakl!


Introduced 'snippets' using the :nomad/snippets key and the #nomad/snippet reader macro.

No breaking changes.


0.3.0 introduces a rather large breaking change: in the outputted configuration map, rather than lots of :nomad/* keys, all of the current host/current instance maps are merged into the main output map.

In general, you should just be able to replace:

  • (get-in (my-config) [:nomad/current-host :x :y]) with (get-in (my-config) [:x :y])


  • (get-in (my-config) [:nomad/current-instance :x :y]) with (get-in (my-config) [:x :y])

unless you have conflicting key names in your general configuration.


Mainly the addition of the private configuration - no breaking changes.

  • Allowed users to add :nomad/private-file key to host/instance maps to specify a private configuration file, which is merged into the :nomad/current-host and :nomad/current-instance maps.
  • Added #nomad/file reader macro
  • Added :nomad/hostname and :nomad/instance keys to :nomad/current-host and :nomad/current-instance maps respectively.


0.2.0 has introduced a couple of breaking changes:

  • get-config, get-host-config and get-instance-config have been removed. Use defconfig as described above in place of get-config; the current host and instance config now live under the :nomad/current-host and :nomad/current-instance keys respectively.
  • Previously, Nomad expected your configuration file to be in a nomad-config.edn file at the root of the classpath. You can now specify the file or resource (or many, in fact, if you use several defconfig invocations) for Nomad to use.


Initial release


Copyright © 2013 James Henderson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.