Welcome to Valorant Agents Show, a Flutter app that showcases various agents from the game Valorant. This app fetches agent data from an API and presents it in an interactive and visually appealing manner.
- View a list of Valorant agents.
- Explore each agent's details, including name, portrait, and background.
- Navigate through agents using a horizontal picker.
├── assets
│ ├── fonts
│ │ └── valorant_font.ttf
│ └── raw
│ └── bg.json
├── lib
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── di
│ │ │ └── data_module.dart
│ │ ├── remote
│ │ │ ├── agents_api_services.dart
│ │ │ └── agents_api_services.g.dart
│ │ └── agents_repository_ipml.dart
│ ├── domain
│ │ ├── di
│ │ │ └── domain_module.dart
│ │ ├── model
│ │ │ ├── agent.dart
│ │ │ ├── agent.g.dart
│ │ │ ├── base_response.dart
│ │ │ └── base_response.g.dart
│ │ └── repository
│ │ └── agents_repository.dart
│ ├── presentation
│ │ ├── di
│ │ │ └── presentation_module.dart
│ │ └── screens
│ │ └── agents
│ │ ├── agent_list_event.dart
│ │ ├── agent_list_event.freezed.dart
│ │ ├── agent_list_screen.dart
│ │ ├── agent_list_state.dart
│ │ ├── agent_list_state.freezed.dart
│ │ └── agent_list_view_model.dart
│ ├── shared
│ │ ├── theme
│ │ │ ├── app_color.dart
│ │ │ ├── app_theme.dart
│ │ │ └── app_type.dart
│ │ └── app_exception.dart
│ └── main.dart
├── test
│ ├── agent_list_screen_widget_test.dart
│ ├── agents_repository_integration_test.dart
│ └── app_exception_test.dart
├── analysis_options.yaml
├── architecture.png
└── pubspec.yaml
- retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client for Dart using the Retrofit package.
- freezed: A code generator for unions/pattern-matching/copy.
- dartz: Functional programming in Dart.
- lottie: A library for using Lottie animations in Flutter.
- hooks_riverpod: A simple way to manage state in your Flutter applications.
- mockito: Mock library for Dart.
1 Getting Started:
Make sure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your machine. You can install them by following the instructions in the official Flutter documentation.
2 Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/olololoe110399/valorant-agents-show.git
3 Navigate to the project directory:
cd valorant-agents-show
4 Install dependencies:
flutter pub get
Run the app on a simulator or device:
flutter run
The app should start and you can explore the Valorant agents.
The project includes unit tests, integration tests, and widget tests to ensure code quality and functionality. To run tests, use the following commands:
- Run tests
flutter test
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or want to add new features, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as needed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.