Find and compare exchange rates easily
Rate Watch helps you find the best exchange rates from various providers, all in one place. This allows you to make informed decisions on where to convert your money, ensuring you get the best value whether you're exchanging to your local currency or any other currency of your choice.
Unified Exchange Rate Comparison: View and compare real-time exchange rates from multiple providers in one place.
Customizable Alerts: Set up daily and threshold alerts to be notified of the best exchange rates.
User-Friendly Interface: Easily navigate and find the best rates with a clean and intuitive design.
To set up Rate Watch with Next.js, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd rate-watch-web && npm install
Copy environment variables
cp .env.example .env.local
Variable Description Required API_BASE_URL Base url for the server ✅ Yes NEXT_PUBLIC_GTM_ID Goole analytics ❌ No NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY Used for authentication with clerk ✅ Yes CLERK_SECRET_KEY Used for authentication with clerk ✅ Yes
Check out the live demo of Rate Watch here
Looking for cool people 😎 to join and contribute!
If you’re interested in collaborating to enhance Rate Watch and add more features, please reach out to me at I’m excited to work with contributors to expand this project.
Thanks ❤️