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Analyze the Results (#2)

Omar Ahmed edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 3 revisions
  • Now, that we have run cliffy. Let's analyze the *.listings file output by cliffy to give concrete classifications for each read.

  • In order to analyze the output, use the script in the analysis/ folder.

    • --mate-1: path to mate1.listings file generated from cliffy
    • --mate-2: path to mate2.listings file generated from cliffy
    • --doc-id-to-taxa: a text file mapping each document id to a SILVA taxa
    • --silva-taxa-names: a text file summarizing the ranks for each SILVA taxa
    • --output-file: path for output file, where each read will be classified.
    • --read-level: tells cliffy to output classifications at the read-level
    • --abundance-profile: tells cliffy to output genera level abundances
# generate per-read classifications
python3 analyze --mate-1 cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/mate1.listings 
                                  --mate-2 cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/mate2.listings 
                                  --doc-id-to-taxa cliffy_tuturial/example2_data/doc_to_traversal.txt 
                                  --silva-taxa-names cliffy_tutorial/example2_data/tax_slv_ssu_138.1.txt 
                                  --output-file cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/read_classifications.cliffy 

# generate abundance profile
python3 analyze --mate-1 cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/mate1.listings 
                                  --mate-2 cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/mate2.listings 
                                  --doc-id-to-taxa cliffy_tuturial/example2_data/doc_to_traversal.txt 
                                  --silva-taxa-names cliffy_tutorial/example2_data/tax_slv_ssu_138.1.txt 
                                  --output-file cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/abundance_profiles.cliffy 
  • These commands will generate two output files:
    • per-read classifications: can be found at cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/read_classifications.cliffy
    • abundance profiles: can be found at cliffy_tutorial/example2_query/read_classifications.cliffy