1.8.6 - “Lightbulb Sun” bugfix release
signify(1) pubkey for this release: RWTy3UJQzpxBUAymBwb2EGLLm0b3H/1n8hzhaC9HYFYzNuTavGt9QSwC
- add tests and compat for setresuid setresgid
- add GEMINI_SEARCH_STRING fastcgi parameter / cgi env variable
- manpage fix: QUERY_STRING is not urldecoded
- fixed use-after-free in the fastcgi code
- when switching user also set the groups
- always cast is*() arguments to unsigned char
Starting with this release tags are also signed with my ssh key like I'm doing with other projects as well:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJ0nD5I8BNVJknT87gnpLIJWK0fXTayDktQOlS38CGj4 op@omarpolo.com