Software Engineering Senior Project - This project is an intra-organizational for administrative processes management for the Student Association of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
This project deals with the domain of workflow management. The workflow management system provides an infrastructure for creation, execution and monitoring of a defined sequence of tasks, arranged as a workflow application.
The system will be built on top of a web framework which will assist with the processing of HTTPS requests. As well, the system will interact with the following: a database that will save relevant information, the client’s browser, a Microsoft Outlook account service that will authenticate users and a file system module.
The software project’s overall goals and objectives are:
- Optimizing the ongoing work of the Student Association workers.
- Establishing order in the management of bureaucracy in the organization.
- Saving time and effort from the Student Association’s employees.
- Monitoring the intra-organizational processes.
- Exporting processes reports.
- NodeJS
- Express.js web framework.
- mongoDB database.
- Mocha - Unit & Integration tests
- Chai - Unit & Integration tests
- TestCafe - GUI & Acceptence tests
- - Load & Stress tests