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OncoGrid Usage and API

Adding to your project

The OncoGrid library depends on d3 and you will need include it for Oncogrid to function.

    <script src="path/to/d3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="path/to/oncogrid.min.js"></script>

or using the un-minified source:

    <script src="path/to/d3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="path/to/oncogrid-debug.js"></script>


Once d3 and OncoGrid have been added to your page, you can invoke and render the OncoGrid in your Javascript using a call that looks something like this:

var params = {
  element: '#grid-div',
  donors: donors,
  genes: genes,
  observations: observations,
  height: 450,
  width: 600,
  heatMap: true

var grid = new OncoGrid(params);

The params Object passed to OncoGrid is used to pass in both the data and required configuration in addition to any optional configuration. The full description of the params object is as follows:

  • Required
    • element - string selector | dom node - indicating to which DOM element the OncoGrid instance will use.
    • donors - Array - List of objects representing donors. The only required field for the objects is id
    • genes - Array - List of objects representing genes. The only required field for the objects is id
    • observations - Array - List of objects representing mutations/observations. The required fields for these objects are id, geneId, donorId
  • Optional
    • height - number - Sets the height of the OncoGrid. Default: 500
    • width - number - Sets the width of the OncoGrid. Default: 500
    • prefix - string - String prefix to use for all css classes. Default: 'og-'
    • donorTracks - Array - An array of objects describing the tracks to be displayed for donors.
    • donorOpacityFunc - function - Function describing how to compute the opacity of the a donor track cell.
    • geneTracks - Array - An array of objects describing the tracks to be displayed for genes.
    • geneOpacityFunc - function - Function describing how to compute the opacity of the a gene track cell.
    • margin - object - Object holding the settings for the margins: Default: { top: 30, right: 100, bottom: 15, left: 80 }
    • heatMap - bool - If true, initial render will be in heatMap mode.
    • donorFillFunc - function - Function to determine cell fill color for donor track data.
    • geneFillFunc - function - Function to determine cell fill color for gene track data.
    • colorMap - object - A mapping from consequence type to colour.
    • histogramBorderPadding - object - Object holding the settings for the space between border and histogram: Default: { bottom: 5, left: 10 }
    • scaleToFit - bool - If true, the grid will scale to fit parent container: Default: true
    • leftTextWidth - number - The width to set for the text on the left of the grid(should be set to the max text length): Default: 80
    • expandableGroups - array - An array of strings to identify which groups can have tracks added and removed from them.
    • addTrackFunc - function - For groups in the expandableGroups array, this function will be called when adding tracks. It is passed the array of collapsed tracks and a callback. tracks passed to the callback will be added.

Track Definitions


// How we determine the opacity of a donor track cell.
var donorOpacity = function (d) {
    if (d.type === 'int') {
      return d.value / 100;
    } else if (d.type === 'vital') {
      return 1;
    } else if (d.type === 'sex') {
      return 1;
    } else if (d.type === 'bool') {
      return d.value ? 1 : 0;
    } else {
      return 0;

// How we will sort the data when an int track is clicked.
var sortInt = function (field) {
    return function (a, b) {
      return b[field] - a[field];

var donorTracks = [
    { 'name': 'PCAWG', 'fieldName': 'pcawg', 'type': 'bool', 'sort': sortBool},
    { 'name': 'Age at Diagnosis', 'fieldName': 'age', 'type': 'int', 'sort': sortInt},
    { 'name': 'Vital Status', 'fieldName': 'vitalStatus', 'type': 'vital', 'sort': sortByString},
    { 'name': 'Sex', 'fieldName': 'sex', 'type': 'sex', 'sort': sortByString},
    { 'name': 'CNSM Exists', 'fieldName': 'cnsmExists', 'type': 'bool', 'sort': sortBool},
    { 'name': 'STSM Exists', 'fieldName': 'stsmExists', 'type': 'bool', 'sort': sortBool},
    { 'name': 'SGV Exists', 'fieldName': 'sgvExists', 'type': 'bool', 'sort': sortBool},
    { 'name': 'METH-A Exists', 'fieldName': 'methArrayExists', 'type': 'bool', 'sort': sortBool}

The definition of a track object is as follows:

  • name - string - The name and label for the track
  • fieldName - string - The field of the donor/gene object to read
  • type - string - The type of the track data, not used by OncoGrid internally, but allows user to group behaviour for styling and the opacity function passed in for the tracks.
  • sort - function - The function responsible for sorting
  • group - string - the name of the group the track belongs to.
  • collapsed - bool - if true, and the track group is in the expandableGroups array, then the track by default will not be shown.


  • render() - Renders an instantiate OncoGrid configured through the params argument in constructor.
  • resize(width, height) - Resizes and scales oncogrid to new desired width and height for the grid.
  • cluster() - Sorts genes based on mutation count and then re-scores donors and resorts them as well.
  • removeDonors(function) - Removes all donors that evaluate true for the passed function.
  • removeGenes(function) - Removes all genes that evaluate true for the passed function.
  • toggleHeatmap() - Toggle between heatMap and regular mode.
  • setHeatmap(boolean) - Set heatMap mode, accepts true or false.
  • toggleGridLines() - Toggle the gridlines that define the cells
  • setGridLines(boolean) - Set the gridlines, accepts true or false.
  • toggleCrosshair() - Toggles the crosshair & resizing mode.
  • setCrosshair(boolean) - Set the crosshair, accepts true or false.
  • sortDonors(function) - Sorts the donors and updates rendering based on the comparator function passed in.
  • sortGenes(function) - Sorts the genes by provided comparator and then re-scores and re-renders the grid.
  • destroy() - cleanup function to be called to remove grid and watchers.

Event Listeners

Oncgrid extends eventemitter3


var grid = new OncoGrid(opts);
grid.on('gridClick', function(data) {

Available events

Mouse events

  • histogramClick - on histogram click. callback argument { roated, domain }
  • histogramMouseOver - on histogram mouse over. callback argument { domain }
  • histogramMouseOut - on histogram mouse out.
  • gridClick - on grid click. callback argument { observation }
  • gridMouseOver - on grid mouse over. callback argument { observation, donor, gene }
  • gridMouseOut - on grid mouse out.
  • gridCrosshairMouseOver - on grid mouse over in cross hair mode. callback argument { donor, gene, obs }
  • gridCrosshairMouseOut - on grid mouse out in cross hair mode.
  • trackClick - on track click. callback argument { domain, type }
  • trackMouseOver - on track mouse over. callback argument { domain, type }
  • trackMouseOut - on track mouse out.
  • trackLegendMouseOver - on track legend mouse over. callback argument { group }
  • trackLegendMouseOut - on track legend mouse out.
  • addTrackClick - on add track click. callback argument { hiddenTracks, addTrack }

Timing events

  • render:mainGrid:start
  • render:mainGrid:end
  • render:donorHisogram:start
  • render:donorHisogram:end
  • render:donorTrack:start
  • render:donorTrack:end
  • render:geneHistogram:start
  • render:geneHistogram:end
  • render:geneTrack:start
  • render:geneTrack:end
  • render:all:start
  • render:all:end