Onlivfe is tool that allows for listing your friends quickly on different platforms, mainly social VR, without having to actually open the actual platform's game/interface programs individually.
This is very early in progress, there aren't any installable packages yet.
Note that the license is AGPL. This is mainly meant to prevent anyone from commercializing this application.
In a short and non-legally binding way: AGPL means that if you make changes and distribute the software, you will also have to provide the source code if asked for it. In addition you'll need to provide the source code for any remote clients of the application if they ask for it. You could technically sell it, but you'd still need to give out the source code if asked for it as well as build instructions, at which point, why would anyone pay you for it if they can just build it for free?
This isn't legal advice of course, just my interpretation of the license.
If you encounter bugs or have any other feedback, you can create an issue. Additionally, GitHub projects may be used to track progress towards goals, like new features.
Basic requirements:
Start off by cloning the project with git.
git clone --recurse-submodules
Then open the project folder in your terminal, run yarn i
and after the packages have been installed, you can run yarn run tauri dev
for a local dev build.
Due to wanting to provide proper dynamic translations, we're using JSON files.
The main logic of it is in locale.loader.ts
To extract the translation keys, run the following and then update translations to the other files:
yarn ng extract-i18n --output-path src/assets/locale --format json