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Graph Oriented Objects (GOO) for Ruby. A RDF/SPARQL based ORM.


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Graph Oriented Objects for Ruby (Goo)

Goo is a Ruby library that provides ORM-alike capabilities to interact with RDF/SPARQL backends. Goo provides a DSL for defining schemas for objects and controls how they get validated, serialized, saved and retrieved from the triplestore. Using RDF and SPARQL for large-scale applications creates challenges in terms of both scalability and technology adoption. We designed Goo with two main objectives:

  • Goo abstracts SPARQL in a way that developers do not need to be SPARQL experts to efficiently handle large RDF graphs.

  • Goo is designed to serve BioPortal growing REST traffic. BioPortal's REST API provides access to hundreds of millions of Biomedical artifacts. Scalability and efficiency is at the core of Goo's design.

To see Goo in action browse to the following links:

Schema Definitions (DSL)

###Basic Definitions

Goo models are defined by extending Resource and providing one model definition and attribute definitions. The example below provides defines a User model with two attributes username and email. In this model:

require 'goo'

class User < Goo::Base::Resource
  model :user, name_with: :username
  attribute :username, enforce: [:existence, :unique]
  attribute :email, enforce: [:existence, :email]
  • :name_with tells this object to take the value of the username attribute to generate a URI that uniquely identifies an instance. :name_with also accepts a lambda function for flexible naming policies, for example:
name_with: lambda { |u|"http:// .... /some/uri}" }
  • :enforce is the option to establish validations at the attribute level. It accepts an array of elements. In this example there are three different validations:

    • :existence to force the attribute to hold a value. This attribute cannot be nil.

    • :unique to force the value of the attribute to be unique across all the instances of the same type.

    • :email to force the value of the attribute to be an string that is a valid email.

Object Dependencies

With :enforce one can tell Goo that that attribute should hold instance values of other Goo type. For instance, say that: A user can be assigned one or many roles and the Role model looks like this:

class Role < Goo::Base::Resource
  model :role, name_with: :code
  attribute :code, enforce: [:existence, :unique]

We now add a new attribute :roles in User. The :enforce setting for this attribute include: :list to tell the system that this attribute can hold array values and :role; :role is a symbol that refers to some other Goo type. Goo will enforce all the values of this attribute to be instances of the Role type.

attribute :roles, enforce: [:list, :role, :existence]
#Notice that this attribute complements the above User definition.

We can also connect back Role to User using the inverse setting. Say you want to retrieve all the users that are assigned a certain role. To be able to navigate the graph both ways we need to provide the inverse relation. The following definition tells Goo that when looking at a Role instance one can retrieve users by inversing the attribute roles from the user instance.

attribute :users, inverse: { on: User, attribute: :roles }
#Notice that this attribute complements the above Role definition.

Validators List

The are a variety of built-in validators that can be used with the enforce option, these include: :string, :date_time, :float, :integer, :list, :unique, :existence, :min, :max, :email, :uri, :boolean.

Optionally one also can provide a lambda for implementing custom validations.

Other Model and Attribute Options

  • :namespace both model and attribute definitions accept the :namespace option to refer to specific vocabularies in our application (see Configuration for namespace definitions). For instance:
model :person, namespace: :foaf, name_with: ..
  • :default to provide default values to an attribute via lambda functions. For instance:
attribute :created, enforce: [ DateTime ],
        default: lambda { |record| }
  • :property: this setting allow us to map attributes to RDF predicates and use different names. For instance, say we want to have an attribute named parents that maps to rdfs:subClassOf in the triple store:
attribute :parents, namespace: :rdfs, property: :subClassOf,
                    enforce: [:class, :list]

##Saving, updating and deleting.

  • Instance creation:
u =
u.username = "paul" 
#save throws NotValidException 
#in case any validator breaks
  • Testing for valid objects:
u = = "paul"
if !u.valid?
 puts u.errors
  • Updating an instance:
u = User.find("paul").first
u = User.where(username: "paul").all

#update the object with an array of roles
u.roles = [Roles.find("admin").first] 

Note: .find("paul") can be used because User has username as name_with setting, in addition username is unique. This allow us to use this shortcut.

  • Deleting:
#delete `paul`

#delete all users
User.where.all.each do |u|


Goo's provides a flexible API for querying the SPARQL backend. There are two main Resource calls for creating queries: Resource.find and Resource.where

###Resource.find - searching single instances

  • Getting a resource reference:
u = User.find("")).first
u.is_a?(User) #true
puts u.username #throws AttributeNotLoaded exception

Goo by default does not attach any attribute values to an instance when retrieving data. This is to improve efficiency by only retrieving the attributes we care about in our application. To change this behaviour we can always overload find our Goo types.

We can attach object attributes by chaining include calls:

user_id ="")

#include username
u = User.find(user_id).include(:username).first

#include username and roles
u = User.find(user_id).include(:username, :roles).first

u = User.find(user_id).include(:username).include(:roles).first

#embed attributes from dependent objects
#from roles include their codes
u = User.find(user_id).include(roles: [:code]).first
puts u.roles[0].code #"admin"

#include all the attributes - except inverse attributes
admin = Role.find("admin").include(Role.attributes).first

#include all the attributes - including inverse
admin = Role.find("admin").include(Role.attributes(:all)).first

Note: include is also avalaible for the Resource.where API call.

###Resource.where - Graph Pattern Matching

Resource.where offers an easy way to perform complex graph matching operations.

#retrieve all the users with name paul that have the admin role.
users = User.where(lastname: "paul", role: [ Role.find("admin").first ]).all

#same and attach attributes
users = User.where(lastname: "paul", role: Role.find("admin").first)
                    include(:username, :birthdate).all

#iteratively including attributes

The options passed into where reassembles a graph matching structure and can be read as follows;

#match 'lastname' edges that sink into literal objects "paul"
[ lastname: "paul" ,
#AND match 'role' edges that sink into 'admin' objects.
role: Role.find("admin").first ]

Goo allows for more complex scenarios. Say we had an scenario where our models are Student, Programs, Category and University and the relations between types:

  • Students enrol programs, ie: Susan enrols Bioinformatics
  • Programs have categories. ie: Bioinformatics has categories Biology and Computer Science
  • Programs belong to universities, ie: Bioinformatics is at Stanford
#retrieve all student enrolled in a program that has categories 
# with  code "Biology" and "Chemistry"
students = Student.where(enrolled: [category: [ code: "Biology" ]])
                    .and(enrolled: [category: [ code: "Chemistry" ]]).all

#retrieve all students enrolled in a program that belongs to a university
#that is named "Stanford" and attach student names, and embed programs
#and programs should be retrieved with their names.
students = Student.where(enrolled: [university: [name: "Stanford"]])
            .include(enrolled: [:name]).all

#We can also perform OR operations. Retrieve programs that have
# category codes "Medicine" or "Engineering"
prs = Program.where(category: [code: "Medicine"])
                    .or(category: [code: "Engineering"]).all

#From these 4 students tell me who are enrolled in programs that 
#are categorized as Medicine AND Chemistry
medicine = Category.find("Medicine").first
chemistry = Category.find("Chemistry").first
st = Student.where(name: "Daniel")
              .or(name: "Louis")
              .or(name: "Lee")
              .or(name: "John")
              .and(enrolled: [category: medicine])
              .and(enrolled: [category: chemistry]).all

Note: for a slightly more complex but similar scenario see ./test/test_where.rb

###Filters and Range Queries

#students born later than ...
f = > DateTime.parse('1978-01-03')
st = Student.where.filter(f).all

#students born between two dates
f = ( <= DateTime.parse('1978-01-01'))
      .or( >= DateTime.parse('1978-01-07'))
st = Student.where.filter(f).all

#students enrolled in programs with more than 8 credits
f = [ :credits ]) > 8
st = Student.where.filter(f).all

Say our scenario has an attribute award in Student to record a list of awards that a student has earned. Now we want to find all the students with no wining awards.

#students without awards
f =
st = Student.where.filter(f)

###Working with unknown attributes - schemaless objects

It is often the case when dealing with Linked Data and RDF that might not be able to map all RDF attributes into application attributes but still we might want to be able to retrieve them. Unknown or unmapped attributes can be retrieved with any of the retrieval methods (find or where) by including the symbol :unmapped. When doing so the models wil be retrieved with an attribute @unmmaped, that attribute is Hash where the keys are the RDF predicates of that resources and the values arrays of objects.

 p = Person.find(
 p.unmmaped.each do |property,values|
   puts "handle unknown attributes"

We can search on known attributes and at retrieve unmmaped predicates:

sts = Student.where(enrolled: [university: [name: "Stanford"]])

This capability is important when dealing with scenarios of data integration of Linked Data resources.

##Configuration Configuration is set by passing code block to Goo.configure. The conf object responds to calls to:

  • add_namespace: With this call we set the relation between Ruby symbols used in the DSL and RDF Vocabularies.
  • add_sparql_backend: This call is to provide the endpoints of the SPARQL server. There are three endpoints query, update and data.
  • add_redis_backend: The Redis host can be optionally added using this call. This is only required if indexes are used.
Goo.configure do |conf|
    conf.add_sparql_backend(:main, query: "http://localhost:9000/sparql/",
                            data: "http://localhost:9000/data/",
                            update: "http://localhost:9000/update/",
                            options: { rules: :NONE })
    conf.add_redis_backend(:host => "localhost")

##Advance Topics

###Collections and Named Graphs

Collections allow to save objects in a specific named graph and information can be attached to the named to implement data provenance. So say you have terms that belong to a website and the website URL is going to be the ID of the named graph. Additionally we have some data about the web site.

require 'goo'

class Term < Goo::Base::Resource
  model :term, name_with: :name, collection: :website
  attribute :name, enforce: [:existence, :unique]
  attribute :extracted_from, enforce: [:website]

class Website < Goo::Base::Resource
   model :website, name_with: :url
   attribute :url, enforce [:existence, :unique]
   attribute :author, enforce [:user]

website = "", author: some_user).save

t = "some term", extracted_from: website).save

terms = Term.where( some_search_pattern ).in(website).all

Chaining the search with .in( provenance_object ) will constrain the search to just the graph of a specific object.

###Caching and Indexing When implementing pagination, we normally return statistical information about the number of resources across all pages, number of pages, links to next and previous pages and the information about the resources contained in the current page. In SPARQL, pagination happens at the level of triples. In Goo, we provide built-in capabilities to cache this pagination-related data. This approach works best for resources that are mostly read-only or for resources where getting the most recent information is not critical (e.g., the ontology information) The example below shows the indexing of ontology classes by label and its use to access a page of information.

ontology = Ontology.find(
#index :asc).index_as("my_index")

#search with the index
first_page ="my_index")
              .include(:label, :synonym).page(1, 100)

###Fast retrieval of read-only objects

In most dynamic languages, objects can be expensive data structures and one can save memory and CPU time by using cheaper data containers. The Ruby platform provides the Struct class. Simple benchmarks show that the instantiation of Struct objects can be up to 63% faster than Goo Resource objects. This is mainly due to the internal objects that Goo maintains to track each object's state. These internal objects are of no use when the application is only reading and not writing. To trigger the retrieval of read-only objects in Goo we call the .read_only when issuing a query, i.e:

User.where.include(:username, :email).read_only


Graph Oriented Objects (GOO) for Ruby. A RDF/SPARQL based ORM.



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