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Upload Android release to the Play Store

This action will help you upload an Android .apk (Android App) file to the Google Play Console using the Google Play Developer API v3.

Dev setting the project

  1. Clone the project
  2. create .env file and mention private_key,client_email,releaseNotes,track,releaseFilePath variables
  3. replace the core.getInput('variable') with process.env.variable and import require('dotenv').config()
  4. Keep the apk which you want to upload in release folder (default name: app.apk)
  5. npm install
  6. tsc for building and compiling typescript files.
  7. npm test for running test cases
  8. npm test -- --coverage for seeing the coverage of test cases
  9. npm start for running the script which will upload apk into google play store


private_key ( which is private_key in Gplay key file )

Required: The service account private key.

client_email (which is client_email in Gplay key file )

Required: The service account client email.


Required: The Android release file to upload (path of .apk)


default: This is automated release. Pass the value if you want to change the release notes.


default: internal. Values: alpha, beta, internal, production

Example usage

- name: upload to play store
  uses: hitz-group/publish-google-play-action@master
      client_email: ${{ secrets.GPLAY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL }}
      private_key: ${{ secrets.GPLAY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY }}
      releaseFilePath: "path/to/apk"
      releaseNotes: "this is the automated release"
      track: internal