This is just a simple repository where I’ll share the files I’ve used to build my wire antenna, I called McNulty. Yes, it’s a petite homage to the show The Wire and to the catchier played by Dominic West named McNulty. I’ll also try and provide the schematics of things and also the list of components.
Every other radio geek wants to try and copy the most possible number of signals out of any given device. So using his/hers tinker-fu, that the DX hobbyist naturally has, it will try to achieve just that by trying to boost the device’s reception capabilities. The easiest way to do it is by actually coupling up a wire to the device. Via appropriate socket or by just coupling it to the antenna. But the wire alone also brings up a lot of noise that doesn’t matter to the listener. So what one needs to do is to improve the signal quality. This can be achieved i.e. by using appropriate filters between the receiver and the antenna, by grounding the antenna and by using a balun. McNulty will use the latter two.