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Horizon CPU To IBM Event Streams Service

This example illustrates a more realistic Horizon edge service by including additional aspects of typical edge services.

Preconditions for Using the CPU To IBM Event Streams Example Edge Service

If you haven't done so already, you must do these steps before proceeding with the cpu2evtstreams example:

  1. Install the Horizon management infrastructure (exchange and agbot).

  2. Install the Horizon agent on your edge device and configure it to point to your Horizon exchange.

  3. As part of the infrasctucture installation process for IBM Edge Computing Manager a file called agent-install.cfg was created that contains the values for HZN_ORG_ID and the exchange and css url values. Locate this file and set those environment variables in your shell now:

eval export $(cat agent-install.cfg)
  • Note: if for some reason you are disconnected from ssh or your command line closes, run the above command again to set the required environment variables.
  1. In addition to the file above, an API key associated with your Horizon instance would have been created, set the exchange user credentials, and verify them:
export HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH=iamapikey:<horizon-API-key>
hzn exchange user list
  1. Choose an ID and token for your edge node, create it, and verify it:
export HZN_EXCHANGE_NODE_AUTH="<choose-any-node-id>:<choose-any-node-token>"
hzn exchange node create -n $HZN_EXCHANGE_NODE_AUTH
hzn exchange node confirm
  1. While this service can be used with any kafka based message brokers, if you are using IBM Event Streams and an instance has already been deployed for you, obtain the event-streams.cfg file that was created during this process. This file contains all the necessary environment variables for cpu2evtstreams to publish data to IBM Event Streams. Set these environment variables in your shell now:
eval export $(cat event-streams.cfg)
  1. If you have not done so already, unregister your node before moving on:
hzn unregister -f

Using the CPU To IBM Event Streams Edge Service with Deployment Pattern

  1. Get the user input file for the cpu2evtstreams sample:
  1. Register your edge node with Horizon to use the cpu2evtstreams pattern:
hzn register -p IBM/pattern-ibm.cpu2evtstreams -f userinput.json -s ibm.cpu2evtstreams --serviceorg IBM -t 120 
  • Note: using the -s flag with the hzn register command will cause Horizon to wait until agreements are formed and the service is running on your edge node to exit, or alert you of any errors encountered during the registration process.
  1. Once the agreement is made, list the docker container edge service that has been started as a result:
sudo docker ps
  1. On any machine, install kafkacat, then subscribe to the Event Streams topic to see the json data that cpu2evtstreams is sending:
kafkacat -C -q -o end -f "%t/%p/%o/%k: %s\n" -b $EVTSTREAMS_BROKER_URL -X api.version.request=true -X security.protocol=sasl_ssl -X sasl.mechanisms=PLAIN -X sasl.username=token -X sasl.password=$EVTSTREAMS_API_KEY -X$EVTSTREAMS_CERT_FILE -t cpu2evtstreams
  • Note: Press Ctrl C to stop the command output.
  1. See the cpu2evtstreams service output:
hzn service log -f ibm.cpu2evtstreams
  • Note: Press Ctrl C to stop the command output.
  1. Unregister your edge node, stopping the cpu2evtstreams service:
hzn unregister -f