A k8s cluster is made up of 1 or more nodes. Each node can hold up to 110 pods. See the official large cluster considerations here. An emulated DUT in KNE brings up 1 pod. An emulated ATE in KNE brings up 1 pod per port. Together with the controller pods and other dependency pods, this in turn restricts a KNE user using kind (a single node cluster) to less than ~100 DUTs + ATE ports. For large testbeds, this is not an acceptable restriction. Additionally each device requires CPU and other resources shared from the host.
A multi-node KNE cluster setup addresses these limitations through a controller + worker(s) setup spread across multiple VMs.
In this cluster diagram we can see that there is a single central Control Plane
along with 3 Nodes
This guide will show you how to use KNE on an existing multi-node cluster, as well as provide steps to setup a multi-node cluster on GCP.
The kne deploy
command is used to setup a cluster as well as ingress, CNI, and
vendor controllers inside the cluster. For a multi-node cluster we will be using
the External
cluster type in the deployment config.
is essentially a no-op cluster type. It is assumed a k8s cluster has
already been deployed. In this case, KNE does no cluster lifecycle management.
KNE only setups the dependencies. This guide will show you how to utilize the
cluster type option to get KNE up an running on a multi-node cluster.
The kne
CLI will be run on the host of the controller VM and the created
topology will be automatically provisioned across the worker nodes depending on
available resources on each. This setup can easily be scaled up by adding more
worker VMs with increased resources (CPU, etc.).
To conclude this guide we will bring up a 150 node topology in our multi-node cluster.
This guide assumes a multi-node cluster has already been set up. The cluster should adhere to these restrictions:
- Use a pod networking add-on compatible with MetalLB
- Use dockerd as the CRI
The following optional section shows how to create a multi-node cluster using
on GCP. Skip directly to the
topology creation step if your existing cluster adheres to
the above guidelines.
Using GCP we will create a 3 VM setup, 1 VM serving as the Control Plane
+ 2
VMs each serving as a worker Node
A custom VPC is required to handle to k8s routing between the VMs. The following commands will set up a custom VPC with a known CIDR range in an existing GCP project.
gcloud compute networks create multinode --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create multinode-nodes \
--network multinode \
--range \
--region us-central1
gcloud compute firewall-rules create multinode-allow-internal \
--allow tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
--network multinode \
gcloud compute firewall-rules create multinode-allow-external \
--allow tcp:22,tcp:6443,icmp \
--network multinode \
We run the official production k8 solution kubeadm
to create our cluster. We
chose dockerd
as our Container Runtime Interface
and flannel
as our
pod networking add-on.
These tools are already installed on the KNE VM image built on ubuntu. The
created VMs in the next step will use this base image to reduce the manual setup
Import the KNE VM image:
gcloud compute images import kne-cb8d6252-14aa-4f68-bbd9-a97d9443d795 \
--os=ubuntu-2004 \
Create an SSH key pair to use for all of the VMs created below:
ssh-keygen -f /tmp/multinode-key -C user -N ""
sed -i '1s/^/user:/' /tmp/multinode-key.pub
Create the controller VM using the gcloud
CLI. Note that the controller VM is
assigned the internal IP address
in the custom VPC.
gcloud compute instances create controller \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--image=kne-cb8d6252-14aa-4f68-bbd9-a97d9443d795 \
--machine-type=n2-standard-8 \
--enable-nested-virtualization \
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform \
--metadata-from-file=ssh-keys=/tmp/multinode-key.pub \
--can-ip-forward \
--private-network-ip \
--subnet multinode-nodes
SSH to the VM:
ssh -i /tmp/multinode-key user@<EXTERNAL IP OF VM>
Now run the following commands to setup the cluster:
sudo kubeadm init --cri-socket unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock --pod-network-cidr
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Setup the flannel pod networking add-on:
kubectl apply -f flannel/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml
For the purposes of this CodeLab, create 2 worker VMs. Run this command 2 times
replacing {n}
with 1
and 2
gcloud compute instances create worker-{n} \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--image=kne-cb8d6252-14aa-4f68-bbd9-a97d9443d795 \
--machine-type=n2-standard-64 \
--enable-nested-virtualization \
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform \
--metadata-from-file=ssh-keys=/tmp/multinode-key.pub \
--can-ip-forward \
--private-network-ip{n} \
--subnet multinode-nodes
SSH to each VM:
ssh -i /tmp/multinode-key user@<EXTERNAL IP OF VM>
And run the following command, using the token and SHA output from cluster setup on the controller VM:
sudo kubeadm join \
--token {token} \
--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:{sha} \
--cri-socket unix:///var/run/cri-dockerd.sock
SSH to the VM acting as the controller. Confirm that the worker nodes all successfully joined the cluster:
$ kubectl get nodes
controller Ready control-plane 4m37s v1.25.4
worker-1 Ready <none> 134s v1.25.4
worker-2 Ready <none> 110s v1.25.4
Create a new docker network for use in the cluster:
docker network create multinode
Now deploy the KNE dependencies (CNI, ingress, vendor controllers):
kne deploy kne/deploy/kne/external-multinode.yaml
IMPORTANT: Contact Arista to get access to the cEOS image.
Create the 150 node cEOS topology:
kne create kne/examples/arista/ceos-150/ceos-150.pb.txt
Open a second terminal on the controller VM to track the topology creation progress:
$ kubectl get pods -n ceos-150 -o wide --watch
r1 1/1 Running 0 9m22s worker-1 <none> <none>
r10 0/1 Init:0/1 0 9m43s worker-2 <none> <none>
r100 0/1 Init:0/1 0 8m17s worker-1 <none> <none>
r101 1/1 Running 0 8m36s worker-1 <none> <none>
r102 0/1 Init:0/1 0 9m4s worker-2 <none> <none>
r103 0/1 Pending 0 5m20s <none> <none> <none> <none>
This command will show all of the pods with additional information including
with worker node they are running on. If any of the pods are stuck in a
state for a long time with no NODE
assigned, see the troubleshooting
Once the kne create
command completes with success, your topology is ready.
Confirm by checking all nodes are Running
using kubectl get pods -n ceos-150
Verify that a gRPC connection can be made to a pod on one of the worker VMs, the
service external IP can be determined from kubectl get services -n ceos-150
TIP: gnmi_cli
can be installed by running go install github.com/openconfig/gnmi/cmd/gnmi_cli@latest
if the CLI is missing from the
export GNMI_USER=admin
export GNMI_PASS=admin
gnmi_cli -a <service external ip>:6030 -q "/interfaces/interface/state" -tls_skip_verify -with_user_pass
If the topology being deployed has too many pods for number of worker nodes, you
may see a warning event like below when waiting for a Pending
pod with no
assigned node:
$ kubectl describe pods r25 -n ceos-150
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 34s default-scheduler 0/2 nodes are available: 1 Too many pods, 1 node(s) had untolerated taint {node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: }. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 1 No preemption victims found for incoming pod, 1 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.
To fix this, add another worker VM and run the necessary commands to have it join the cluster. Then without any further action on the controller, the assignments should resolve themselves.
If you see some services with a <pending>
EXTERNAL-IP, then your MetalLB
configuration does not have enough IPs to assign. This codelab uses a
with a pool of 200 unique external IP addresses. If your topology has more than
200 nodes then this issue will be seen. Increase the value to accommodate your
number of nodes, and redeploy.
$ kubectl get services -n ceos-150
service-r1 LoadBalancer 6030:31407/TCP,22:30550/TCP,443:30990/TCP 29m
service-r10 LoadBalancer 6030:31914/TCP,22:31900/TCP,443:30555/TCP 30m
service-r100 LoadBalancer 6030:32364/TCP,22:30243/TCP,443:32621/TCP 28m
service-r101 LoadBalancer 6030:32515/TCP,22:30159/TCP,443:32329/TCP 29m
service-r102 LoadBalancer 6030:32344/TCP,22:30100/TCP,443:31541/TCP 29m
service-r103 LoadBalancer <pending> 6030:31092/TCP,22:30549/TCP,443:32424/TCP 25m