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Agenda - Business models and financing


Identify how the community can work together to increase OpenZaak adoption and market size.


  1. what services can be built around OpenZaak?
  2. how and by whom can these services be financed?
  3. what are potential challenges and barriers?



13:00 - 13:05 Welcome & Opening
13:05 - 13:30 Introduction round

  • Name, organization, and 1 person per market party respond to 'how can OpenZaak create value for my business?'

13:30 - 13:35 Inspirational story
13:35 - 13:50 Inspiration from Common ground, Utrecht, and OpenZaak
13:50 - 13:55 Introduction to the breakout workshops

Breakout workshops

14:00 - 15:30 Breakout into two groups for collaborative session

  • Introduction: Explain Miro (10 min)
  • Round 1: Possible business opportunities (30 mins)
    • Q 1.1) How can OpenZaak help your company make money and be successful?
    • Q 1.2) What other ways could OpenZaak help companies be successful in the future and/or different contexts?
    • A 1.3) Each participant adds 3 post-its per question, and group votes on services to take to round 2.
  • Break: Tidy notes (10 mins)
  • Round 2: Creating business opportunities (40 min)
    • Q 2.1) For each business opportunity, who could be willing to pay for this?
    • Q 2.2) What payment mechanisms could be used for this? (e.g.: subscription based, fixed open dev budget, bug bounty rewards, innovation vouchers)
    • A 2.3) Each participant adds 3 post-its per question & prioitise
    • Q 2.4) Discussion: What do you need to get started?
  • Workflow:
    • Groups: Each group has 1 representative from a municipality, and 1 representative from each participating market party, and 1 facilitator from Foundation for Public Code,
  • Process:
    1. Everyone puts 3 stickies per question (2x3) with "NAME: Clear short description"
    2. Facilitator reads out, asks clarification, and clusters the stickies, people can disagree
    3. Vote on cluster with group
    4. Discuss prioritised ones


15:30 - 15:40 Break
15:40 - 16:00 Closing, reflections & next steps