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296 lines (226 loc) · 11.3 KB


GitHub Repo stars npm (scoped) GitHub tag

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based on Swagger2/OpenAPI3/Apifox specification Generate

  • TypeScript/JavaScript
  • request client(support any client)
  • request mock service
  • enum and enum translation
  • react-query/vue-query
  • type field label
  • JSON Schemas

docs:use docs


  • support Swagger2.0/OpenAPI/Apifox 3.0,3.1 specification
  • generate TypeScript/JavaScript, reuquest client(support any client), request mock service, enum and enum translation, react-query/vue-query, type field label, JSON Schemas
  • support work with npx, CLI, Nodejs
  • support custom request function, Fetch、Axios、UniApp-request、Taro-Request、Node.js、XHR client available
  • support filter generate result by tags
  • support JSON/YAML specification
  • support translate chinese tag name to english tag name


# npm
npm i openapi-ts-request --save-dev

# pnpm
pnpm i openapi-ts-request -D


create openapi-ts-request.config.ts file in the project root directory

the config file also supports .openapi-ts-request.ts, openapi-ts-request.config.cjs format, reference cosmiconfig

import type { GenerateServiceProps } from 'openapi-ts-request';

export default {
  // schemaPath: './openapi.json', // local openapi file
  // serversPath: './src/apis', // interface storage path
  schemaPath: '',
} as GenerateServiceProps;

support passing in array config for generate

import type { GenerateServiceProps } from 'openapi-ts-request';

export default [
    schemaPath: '',
    serversPath: './src/apis/app',
    schemaPath: '',
    serversPath: './src/apis/auth',
] as GenerateServiceProps[];

add the command in script of package.json: "openapi": "openapi-ts",


npm run openapi


src/apis/index.ts #interface entry file
src/apis/types.ts #type definition file
src/apis/app #app interface
// src/apis/pet.ts

/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-ignore
import request from 'axios';

import * as API from './types';

/** Update an existing pet PUT /pet */
export async function updatePet({
}: {
  body: API.Pet;
  options?: { [key: string]: unknown };
}) {
  return request<unknown>(`/pet`, {
    method: 'PUT',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    data: body,
    ...(options || {}),

// ... more interfaces


create a new openapi-ts-request.config.js file in any directory xxx/xxx

const { generateService } = require('openapi-ts-request');

  schemaPath: '',
  serversPath: './apis',

add the command in script of package.json: "openapi": "node xxx/xxx/openapi-ts-request.config.js"


npm run openapi


create a new openapi-ts-request.config.ts file in any directory xxx/xxx

const { generateService } = require('openapi-ts-request');

  schemaPath: '',
  serversPath: './apis',

add the command in script of package.json: "openapi": "ts-node xxx/xxx/openapi-ts-request.config.ts",


npm run openapi


# npm
npx --package=openapi-ts-request -- openapi -i ./openapi.json -o ./apis
npx --package=openapi-ts-request -- openapi -i -o ./apis

# pnpm
pnpm --package=openapi-ts-request@latest dlx openapi -i ./openapi.json -o ./apis
pnpm --package=openapi-ts-request@latest dlx openapi -i -o ./apis


npm i openapi-ts-request -g
$ openapi --help

  Usage: openapi [options]

    -V, --version                       output the version number
    -i, --input <string>                OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url (required)
    -o, --output <string>               output directory (required)
    --requestLibPath <string>           custom request lib path, for example: "@/request", "node-fetch" (default: "axios")
    --enableLogging <boolean>           open the log (default: false)
    --priorityRule <string>             priority rule, include/exclude/both (default: "include")
    --includeTags <(string|RegExp)[]>   generate code from include tags
    --includePaths <(string|RegExp)[]>  generate code from include paths
    --excludeTags <(string|RegExp)[]>   generate code from exclude tags
    --excludePaths <(string|RegExp)[]>  generate code from exclude paths
    --requestOptionsType <string>       custom request method options parameter type (default: "{ [key: string]: unknown }")
    --requestImportStatement <string>   custom request import statement, for example: "const request = require('@/request')"
    --apiPrefix <string>                custom the prefix of the api path, for example: "api"(variable), "'api'"(string)
    --isGenReactQuery <boolean>         generate react-query (default: false)
    --reactQueryMode <string>           react-query mode, react/vue (default: "react")
    --isGenJavaScript <boolean>         generate JavaScript (default: false)
    --isDisplayTypeLabel <boolean>      generate label matching type field (default: false)
    --isGenJsonSchemas <boolean>        generate JSON Schemas (default: false)
    --mockFolder <string>               mock file path, for example: './mocks'
    --authorization <string>            docs authorization
    --nullable <boolean>                null instead of optional (default: false)
    --isTranslateToEnglishTag <boolean> translate chinese tag name to english tag name (default: false)
    --isOnlyGenTypeScriptType <boolean> only generate typescript type (default: false)
    --isCamelCase <boolean>             camelCase naming of controller files and request client (default: true)
    -h, --help                          display help for command


openapi -i ./spec.json -o ./apis


props required type default remark
schemaPath yes string - Swagger2/OpenAPI3 URL
serversPath no string './src/apis' the folder path for the run results
requestLibPath no string 'axios' custom request lib path, for example: '@/request', 'node-fetch'
enableLogging no boolean false open the log
priorityRule no string 'include' priority rule, include/exclude/both
includeTags no (string|RegExp)[] - generate code from include tags, priorityRule=include required
includePaths no (string|RegExp)[] - generate code from include paths
excludeTags no (string|RegExp)[] - generate code from exclude tags
excludePaths no (string|RegExp)[] - generate code from exclude paths
requestOptionsType no string '{ [key: string]: unknown }' custom request method options parameter type
requestImportStatement no string - custom request import statement, for example: "const request = require('@/request')"
apiPrefix no string - custom the prefix of the api path, for example: 'api'(variable), "'api'"(string)
isGenReactQuery no boolean false generate react-query
reactQueryMode no string 'react' react-query mode, react/vue
isGenJavaScript no boolean false generate JavaScript
isDisplayTypeLabel no boolean false generate label matching type field
isGenJsonSchemas no boolean false generate JSON Schemas
mockFolder no string - mock file path, for example: './mocks'
authorization no string - docs authorization
nullable no boolean false null instead of optional
isTranslateToEnglishTag no boolean false translate chinese tag name to english tag name
isOnlyGenTypeScriptType no boolean false only generate typescript type
isCamelCase no boolean true camelCase naming of controller files and request client
hook no Custom Hook - custom hook

Custom Hook

props type remark
afterOpenApiDataInited (openAPIData: OpenAPIObject) => OpenAPIObject custom OpenAPI data
customFunctionName (data: APIDataType) => string custom request client function name
customTypeName (data: APIDataType) => string custom type name
customClassName (tagName: string) => string custom tag name
customType (
schemaObject: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject,
namespace: string,
originGetType:(schemaObject: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject, namespace: string) => string,
) => string
custom type
returning a non-string will use the default method to get the type
customFileNames (
operationObject: OperationObject,
apiPath: string,
apiMethod: string,
) => string[]
custom generate request client controller file name, can return multiple: generate multiple files.
if the return value is empty, the default getFileNames is used

JSON Schemas

  • default generate JSON Schemas based on components.schemas, JSON Schemas corresponding to paths currently need to be parsed by yourself
  • provide a schema parsing function to fill the references of $ref and $allOf into current schema
export declare function patchSchema<T extends object>(
  schema: ISchemaObject,
  schemas: ComponentsObject['schemas']
): T;


currently using mockjs to generate mock data, the mocks file startup needs to rely on @umijs/server, we will look for other solutions later to achieve a better mock experience

Adapt to uniapp

it is recommended to use a custom request function to adapt to uniapp. you can also use the @uni-helper/axios-adapter adapter. for details, see 【use docs 2.2】


Development Environment

  • node 18+
  • pnpm 9+

Submit Pull Request

  1. learn Pull Request specification
  2. fork this repository
  3. create a new branch to modify the code:git checkout -b my-branch main
  4. make sure your code passes all test cases (new functional test cases need to be added for new features):pnpm test
  5. create a changeset file using the command:pnpm changeset
  6. submit your changes using commit (must follow commitlint specification)
  7. submit Pull Request
