English | 简体中文
based on Swagger2/OpenAPI3/Apifox specification Generate
- TypeScript/JavaScript
- request client(support any client)
- request mock service
- enum and enum translation
- react-query/vue-query
- type field label
- JSON Schemas
docs:use docs
- support Swagger2.0/OpenAPI/Apifox 3.0,3.1 specification
- generate TypeScript/JavaScript, reuquest client(support any client), request mock service, enum and enum translation, react-query/vue-query, type field label, JSON Schemas
- support work with npx, CLI, Nodejs
- support custom request function, Fetch、Axios、UniApp-request、Taro-Request、Node.js、XHR client available
- support filter generate result by tags
- support JSON/YAML specification
- support translate chinese tag name to english tag name
# npm
npm i openapi-ts-request --save-dev
# pnpm
pnpm i openapi-ts-request -D
create openapi-ts-request.config.ts
file in the project root directory
the config file also supports .openapi-ts-request.ts, openapi-ts-request.config.cjs format, reference cosmiconfig
import type { GenerateServiceProps } from 'openapi-ts-request';
export default {
// schemaPath: './openapi.json', // local openapi file
// serversPath: './src/apis', // interface storage path
schemaPath: 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
} as GenerateServiceProps;
support passing in array config for generate
import type { GenerateServiceProps } from 'openapi-ts-request';
export default [
schemaPath: 'http://app.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
serversPath: './src/apis/app',
schemaPath: 'http://auth.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
serversPath: './src/apis/auth',
] as GenerateServiceProps[];
add the command in script
of package.json
: "openapi": "openapi-ts",
npm run openapi
src/apis/index.ts #interface entry file
src/apis/types.ts #type definition file
src/apis/app #app interface
// src/apis/pet.ts
/* eslint-disable */
// @ts-ignore
import request from 'axios';
import * as API from './types';
/** Update an existing pet PUT /pet */
export async function updatePet({
}: {
body: API.Pet;
options?: { [key: string]: unknown };
}) {
return request<unknown>(`/pet`, {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
data: body,
...(options || {}),
// ... more interfaces
create a new openapi-ts-request.config.js
file in any directory xxx/xxx
const { generateService } = require('openapi-ts-request');
schemaPath: 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
serversPath: './apis',
add the command in script
of package.json
: "openapi": "node xxx/xxx/openapi-ts-request.config.js"
npm run openapi
create a new openapi-ts-request.config.ts
file in any directory xxx/xxx
const { generateService } = require('openapi-ts-request');
schemaPath: 'http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
serversPath: './apis',
add the command in script
of package.json
: "openapi": "ts-node xxx/xxx/openapi-ts-request.config.ts",
npm run openapi
# npm
npx --package=openapi-ts-request -- openapi -i ./openapi.json -o ./apis
npx --package=openapi-ts-request -- openapi -i https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json -o ./apis
# pnpm
pnpm --package=openapi-ts-request@latest dlx openapi -i ./openapi.json -o ./apis
pnpm --package=openapi-ts-request@latest dlx openapi -i https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json -o ./apis
npm i openapi-ts-request -g
$ openapi --help
Usage: openapi [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <string> OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url (required)
-o, --output <string> output directory (required)
--requestLibPath <string> custom request lib path, for example: "@/request", "node-fetch" (default: "axios")
--enableLogging <boolean> open the log (default: false)
--priorityRule <string> priority rule, include/exclude/both (default: "include")
--includeTags <(string|RegExp)[]> generate code from include tags
--includePaths <(string|RegExp)[]> generate code from include paths
--excludeTags <(string|RegExp)[]> generate code from exclude tags
--excludePaths <(string|RegExp)[]> generate code from exclude paths
--requestOptionsType <string> custom request method options parameter type (default: "{ [key: string]: unknown }")
--requestImportStatement <string> custom request import statement, for example: "const request = require('@/request')"
--apiPrefix <string> custom the prefix of the api path, for example: "api"(variable), "'api'"(string)
--isGenReactQuery <boolean> generate react-query (default: false)
--reactQueryMode <string> react-query mode, react/vue (default: "react")
--isGenJavaScript <boolean> generate JavaScript (default: false)
--isDisplayTypeLabel <boolean> generate label matching type field (default: false)
--isGenJsonSchemas <boolean> generate JSON Schemas (default: false)
--mockFolder <string> mock file path, for example: './mocks'
--authorization <string> docs authorization
--nullable <boolean> null instead of optional (default: false)
--isTranslateToEnglishTag <boolean> translate chinese tag name to english tag name (default: false)
--isOnlyGenTypeScriptType <boolean> only generate typescript type (default: false)
--isCamelCase <boolean> camelCase naming of controller files and request client (default: true)
-h, --help display help for command
openapi -i ./spec.json -o ./apis
props | required | type | default | remark |
schemaPath | yes | string | - | Swagger2/OpenAPI3 URL |
serversPath | no | string | './src/apis' | the folder path for the run results |
requestLibPath | no | string | 'axios' | custom request lib path, for example: '@/request', 'node-fetch' |
enableLogging | no | boolean | false | open the log |
priorityRule | no | string | 'include' | priority rule, include/exclude/both |
includeTags | no | (string|RegExp)[] | - | generate code from include tags, priorityRule=include required |
includePaths | no | (string|RegExp)[] | - | generate code from include paths |
excludeTags | no | (string|RegExp)[] | - | generate code from exclude tags |
excludePaths | no | (string|RegExp)[] | - | generate code from exclude paths |
requestOptionsType | no | string | '{ [key: string]: unknown }' | custom request method options parameter type |
requestImportStatement | no | string | - | custom request import statement, for example: "const request = require('@/request')" |
apiPrefix | no | string | - | custom the prefix of the api path, for example: 'api'(variable), "'api'"(string) |
isGenReactQuery | no | boolean | false | generate react-query |
reactQueryMode | no | string | 'react' | react-query mode, react/vue |
isGenJavaScript | no | boolean | false | generate JavaScript |
isDisplayTypeLabel | no | boolean | false | generate label matching type field |
isGenJsonSchemas | no | boolean | false | generate JSON Schemas |
mockFolder | no | string | - | mock file path, for example: './mocks' |
authorization | no | string | - | docs authorization |
nullable | no | boolean | false | null instead of optional |
isTranslateToEnglishTag | no | boolean | false | translate chinese tag name to english tag name |
isOnlyGenTypeScriptType | no | boolean | false | only generate typescript type |
isCamelCase | no | boolean | true | camelCase naming of controller files and request client |
hook | no | Custom Hook | - | custom hook |
props | type | remark |
afterOpenApiDataInited | (openAPIData: OpenAPIObject) => OpenAPIObject | custom OpenAPI data |
customFunctionName | (data: APIDataType) => string | custom request client function name |
customTypeName | (data: APIDataType) => string | custom type name |
customClassName | (tagName: string) => string | custom tag name |
customType | ( schemaObject: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject, namespace: string, originGetType:(schemaObject: SchemaObject | ReferenceObject, namespace: string) => string, ) => string |
custom type returning a non-string will use the default method to get the type |
customFileNames | ( operationObject: OperationObject, apiPath: string, apiMethod: string, ) => string[] |
custom generate request client controller file name, can return multiple: generate multiple files. if the return value is empty, the default getFileNames is used |
- default generate JSON Schemas based on components.schemas, JSON Schemas corresponding to paths currently need to be parsed by yourself
- provide a schema parsing function to fill the references of
intocurrent schema
export declare function patchSchema<T extends object>(
schema: ISchemaObject,
schemas: ComponentsObject['schemas']
): T;
currently using mockjs to generate mock data, the mocks file startup needs to rely on @umijs/server, we will look for other solutions later to achieve a better mock experience
it is recommended to use a custom request function to adapt to uniapp. you can also use the @uni-helper/axios-adapter
adapter. for details, see 【use docs 2.2】
- node 18+
- pnpm 9+
- learn Pull Request specification
- fork this repository
- create a new branch to modify the code:
git checkout -b my-branch main
- make sure your code passes all test cases (new functional test cases need to be added for new features):
pnpm test
- create a changeset file using the command:
pnpm changeset
- submit your changes using commit (must follow commitlint specification)
- submit Pull Request