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Merge pull request #1477 from opencobra/develop
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artenobot authored May 20, 2019
2 parents 2ed83d1 + 177535e commit efb2c06
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Showing 65 changed files with 10,459 additions and 128 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions deprecated/OMNI.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
function [OMNISol,bilevelMILPProblem] = OMNI(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, measOpt, prevSolutions, verbFlag)
%% ***********************NOT WORKING**************************************

%function [OMNISol,bilevelMILPProblem] = OMNI(model,selectedRxnList,options,constrOpt,prevSolutions,verbFlag,solutionFileNameTmp)

%OMNI Run OMNI in the most general form
% OMNI(model,selectedRxnList,options,constrOpt,prevSolutions,verbFlag,solutionFileName)
% model Structure containing all necessary variables to
% describe a stoichiometric model
% rxns Rxns in the model
% mets Metabolites in the model
% S Stoichiometric matrix (sparse)
% b RHS of Sv = b (usually zeros)
% c Objective coefficients
% lb Lower bounds for fluxes
% ub Upper bounds for fluxes
% rev Reversibility of fluxes
% selectedRxnList List of reactions that can be knocked-out in OMNI
% options OMNI options
% numDel # of bottlenecks
% numDelSense Direction of # of bottleneck constraint (G/E/L)
% vMax Max flux
% solveOMNI Solve problem within Matlab
% createGams Create GAMS input file
% gamsFile GAMS input file name
% constrOpt Explicitly constrained reaction options
% rxnList Reaction list
% values Values for constrained reactions
% sense Constraint senses for constrained reactions
% (G/E/L)
% measOpt Measured flux options
% rxnSel Names of measured reactions
% values Flux values of measured reactions
% weights Weights for measured fluxes
% prevSolutions Previous solutions
% verbFlag Verbose flag
% solutionFileName File name for storing temporary solutions
% OMNISol OMNI solution structure
% bilevelMILPProblem bi-level MILP problem structure used
% Markus Herrgard 3/28/05

% Set these for MILP callbacks
global MILPproblemType;
global selectedRxnIndIrrev;
%global rxnList;
global irrev2rev;
%global solutionFileName;
%global biomassRxnID;
%global OMNIKOrxnList;
%global OMNIObjective;
%global OMNIGrowth;
%global solID;

if (nargin < 5)
prevSolutions = [];
if (nargin < 6)
verbFlag = false;
% if (nargin < 7)
% solutionFileName = 'OMNISolutions.mat';
% else
% solutionFileName = solutionFileNameTmp;
% end

% Convert to irreversible rxns
[modelIrrev,matchRev,rev2irrev,irrev2rev] = convertToIrreversible(model);

% Create the index of the previous KO's suggested by OMNI to avoid obtaining the same
% solution again
selPrevSolIrrev = [];
for i = 1:size(prevSolutions,2)
prevSolRxnList = model.rxns(prevSolutions(:,i)==1);
selPrevSol = ismember(model.rxns,prevSolRxnList);
selPrevSolIrrev(:,i) = selPrevSol(irrev2rev);

[nMets,nRxns] = size(modelIrrev.S);

% Create matchings for reversible reactions in the set selected for KOs
% This is to ensure that both directions of the reaction are knocked out
selSelectedRxn = ismember(model.rxns,selectedRxnList);
selSelectedRxnIrrev = selSelectedRxn(irrev2rev);
selectedRxnIndIrrev = find(selSelectedRxnIrrev);
cnt = 0;
%prevRxnID = -10;
nSelected = length(selectedRxnIndIrrev);
selRxnCnt = 1;
while selRxnCnt <= nSelected
rxnID = selectedRxnIndIrrev(selRxnCnt);
if (matchRev(rxnID)>0)
cnt = cnt + 1;
selectedRxnMatch(cnt,1) = selRxnCnt;
selectedRxnMatch(cnt,2) = selRxnCnt+1;
selRxnCnt = selRxnCnt + 1;
selRxnCnt = selRxnCnt + 1;

% Set inner constraints for the LP
constrOptIrrev = setConstraintsIrrevModel(constrOpt,model,modelIrrev,rev2irrev);
% constrOptIrrev = model;
% constrOptIrrev = [];

% Set objectives for linear and integer parts
cLinear = zeros(nRxns,1);
cInteger = zeros(sum(selSelectedRxnIrrev),1);

% Set the correct objective coefficient (not necessary for OMNI)
% targetRxnID = find(ismember(model.rxns,options.targetRxn));
% targetRxnIDirrev = rev2irrev{targetRxnID}(1);
% cLinear(targetRxnIDirrev) = 1;

% Set measured reaction in objective
sel_meas_rxn = measOpt.rxnSel';
b_meas_rxn = measOpt.values';
wt_meas_rxn = measOpt.weights';
n_m = length(sel_meas_rxn);

% Create selection vector in the decoupled representation
% This is to ensure that the objective function for measured reversible
% reactions is constructed correctly
sel_m = zeros(nRxns,1);
ord_ir = [];
b_meas_tmp = [];
wt_meas_tmp = [];
for i = 1:n_m
rxn_name = sel_meas_rxn{i};
rxn_id = find(strcmp(model.rxns,rxn_name));
if (~isempty(rxn_id)) % Protect against measured fluxes that are not part of the model
b_meas_tmp = [b_meas_tmp;b_meas_rxn(i)];
wt_meas_tmp = [wt_meas_tmp;wt_meas_rxn(i)];
% Reversible rxns
if (model.rev(rxn_id))
rxn_id_ir = rev2irrev{rxn_id}(1);
sel_m(rxn_id_ir) = 1;
sel_m(rxn_id_ir+1) = -1;
% Irrev rxns
rxn_id_ir = rev2irrev{rxn_id};
sel_m(rxn_id_ir) = 1;
% Figure out ordering in decoupled representation
ord_ir = [ord_ir rxn_id_ir];
% Get ordering indices
[tmp,ord_ind] = sort(ord_ir);
% Reorder or create weights
if (sum(wt_meas_rxn) == 0)
measOpts.weights = ones(n_m,1);
measOpts.weights = wt_meas_tmp(ord_ind);
% Reorder measured flux values
measOpts.values = b_meas_tmp(ord_ind);

measOpts.rxnSel = sel_m;

% Create the constraint matrices for the bilevel MILP
bilevelMILPProblem = createBilevelMILPproblem(modelIrrev,cLinear,cInteger,selSelectedRxnIrrev,...

% Initial guess (random)
%bilevelMILPProblem.x0 = round(rand(length(bilevelMILPProblem.c),1));
if isfield(options,'initSolution')
if (length(options.initSolution) > options.numDel | ~all(ismember(options.initSolution,selectedRxnList)))
warning('Initial solution not valid - starting from a random initial solution')
bilevelMILPProblem.x0 = [];
% Set initial integer solution
selInitRxn = ismember(model.rxns,options.initSolution);
selInitRxnIrrev = selInitRxn(irrev2rev);
initRxnIndIrrev = find(selInitRxnIrrev);
initIntegerSol = ~ismember(selectedRxnIndIrrev,initRxnIndIrrev);
selInteger = bilevelMILPProblem.vartype == 'B';
[nConstr,nVar] = size(bilevelMILPProblem.A);
bilevelMILPProblem.x0 = nan(nVar,1);
bilevelMILPProblem.x0(selInteger) = initIntegerSol;

% LPproblem.b = bilevelMILPProblem.b - bilevelMILPProblem.A(:,selInteger)*initIntegerSol;
% LPproblem.A = bilevelMILPProblem.A(:,bilevelMILPProblem.vartype == 'C');
% LPproblem.c = bilevelMILPProblem.c(bilevelMILPProblem.vartype == 'C');
% = == 'C');
% LPproblem.ub = bilevelMILPProblem.ub(bilevelMILPProblem.vartype == 'C');
% LPproblem.osense = -1;
% LPproblem.csense = bilevelMILPProblem.csense;
% LPsol = solveCobraLP(LPproblem);
% bilevelMILPProblem.x0(~selInteger) = LPsol.full;
bilevelMILPProblem.x0 = [];

% Minimize
bilevelMILPProblem.osense = 1;

if (verbFlag)
[nConstr,nVar] = size(bilevelMILPProblem.A);
nInt = length(bilevelMILPProblem.intSolInd);
fprintf('MILP problem with %d constraints %d integer variables and %d continuous variables\n',...

bilevelMILPProblem.model = modelIrrev;

% Set these for CPLEX callbacks
MILPproblemType = 'OMNI';
% rxnList = model.rxns;
% biomassRxnID = find(modelIrrev.c==1);
% solID = 0;
% OMNIObjective = [];
% OMNIGrowth = [];
% OMNIKOrxnList = {};

% Solve problem
if (options.solveOMNI)
OMNISol = solveCobraMILP(bilevelMILPProblem,'printLevel',0);
if OMNISol.stat~=0
if (~isempty(OMNISol.cont))
OMNISol.fluxes = convertIrrevFluxDistribution(OMNISol.cont(1:length(matchRev)),matchRev);
if (~isempty(
% Figure out the KO reactions
OMNIRxnInd = selectedRxnIndIrrev( < 1e-4);
OMNISol.kos = model.rxns(unique(irrev2rev(OMNIRxnInd)));

% %sanity check
% modelTemp = changeRxnBounds(model,OMNISol.kos,0,'b');
% solTemp = optimizeCbModel(modelTemp);
% if abs(solTemp.f - OMNISol.obj) > 1e-4
% [OMNISol,bilevelMILPProblem] = OMNI(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, measOpt, prevSolutions, verbFlag);
% previous_solutions(:,end+1) = zeros(length(model.rxns),1);
% end
OMNISol.rxnList = {};
OMNISol.fluxes = [];

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions deprecated/_cardOpt_tangiCode/Recon2_RelaxFBA_driver_old.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
%Load data

% Load the stoichiometrically consistent par of Recon2
load 'Recon2.v04_sc.mat';

[m,n] = size(model.S);
model_Ex = findSExRxnInd(model);
intRxnBool = model_Ex.SIntRxnBool;
exRxnBool = true(size(intRxnBool));
exRxnBool(find(intRxnBool)) = false;

%Relax the model to make it flux conssitent
relaxOption.internalRelax = 2;
relaxOption.exchangeRelax = 2;
relaxOption.steadyStateRelax = 1;

relaxOption.nbMaxIteration = 1000;
relaxOption.epsilon = 10e-6;
relaxOption.gamma0 = 100; %trade-off parameter of l0 part of v
relaxOption.gamma1 = 10; %trade-off parameter of l1 part of v
relaxOption.lambda0 = 10; %trade-off parameter of l0 part of r
relaxOption.lambda1 = 0; %trade-off parameter of l1 part of r
relaxOption.alpha0 = 10; %trade-off parameter of l0 part of p and q
relaxOption.alpha1 = 0; %trade-off parameter of l1 part of p and q
relaxOption.theta = 2; %parameter of capped l1 approximation

solution = relaxFBA(model,relaxOption);

[v,r,p,q] = deal(solution.v,solution.r,solution.p,solution.q);
if solution.stat == 1
maxUB = max(model.ub);
minLB = min(;

display(strcat('Number of relaxations on internal reactions:',num2str(size(find(p>0 & intRxnBool),1)+size(find(q>0 & intRxnBool),1))));
intRxnFiniteBound = ((model.ub < maxUB) & ( > minLB)) & intRxnBool;
display(strcat(' - Relaxations on internal reactions with finite bounds:',num2str(size(find(p>0 & intRxnFiniteBound),1)+size(find(q>0 & intRxnFiniteBound),1))));

display(strcat('Number of relaxations on exchange reactions:',num2str(size(find(p>0 & exRxnBool),1)+size(find(q>0 & exRxnBool),1))));
exRxn00 = ((model.ub == 0) & ( == 0)) & exRxnBool;
display(strcat(' - Relaxations on exchange reactions of type [0,0]:',num2str(size(find(p>0 & exRxn00),1)+size(find(q>0 & exRxn00),1))));

display(strcat('Number of relaxations on steady state constraints:',num2str(size(find(abs(r)>0),1))));

display(strcat('Reactions unblocked = ',num2str(length(find(abs(v)>1e-4 & ~model.rbool)))));
disp('Can not find any solution');

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