- Choose an issue from the Ready column (or, if needed, create an issue)
- Add yourself as the Assignee
- Move the issue to the Ready Column
- Note the issue number, e.g. issue
- Note the issue number, e.g. issue
- Name the new branch starting with the issue number and description of your choice
- e.g. "3_" + "resize" ->
- e.g. "3_" + "resize" ->
- e.g.
git checkout 3_resize
- Check in your changes to the new branch,
- Checkout the develop branch and retrieve any changes
git checkout develop git pull
- Switch back to your "issue" branch (
)# git checkout [issue branch] git checkout 3_resize
- Merge and fix any conflicts
git merge origin develop
- If needed, merge with develop (repeat step D)
- Check that you've written/updated any needed tests
- Make a pull request
- Have a team member review the pull request
- Merge the pull request!