- php5-sybase
- Ensure these lines are in [global] section of /etc/freetds/freetds.conf:
tds version = 8.0 client charset = UTF-8
- Set reasonable timeouts in /etc/freetds/freetds.conf:
timeout = 3 connect timeout = 3
- Add to modules list in config/local/common.php
'modules' => array( ... 'mehstaffdb', ... ),
- Add a db connection called 'db_staff' to config/local/common.php with the details of your connection:
'db_staff' => array( 'connectionString' => 'dblib:host=HOSTNAME;dbname=DATABASE', 'username' => 'USERNAME':, 'password' => 'PASSWORD', ),
- Optionally add one of the following params directives to override the defaults:
'mehstaffdb_always_refresh' => true, 'mehstaffdb_cache_time' => 300,
(the former overrides the latter)