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2020 04 09

David Blodgett edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

2020-04-09 Environmental Data Retrieval SWG Meeting 8

13:00 UTC (07:00 MDT, 09:00 EDT, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 21:00 CST, 23:00 AEST)

gotomeeting in OGC Portal


  1. Agree Agenda and IPR Call;

  2. Minutes/Notes of previous meetings

  3. Draft Report of EDR API Virtual Sprint
    Outstanding Issues from Sprint
    Discussion and (dis)Agreement on Sprint Recommendations
    Proposal to release Sprint Report

  4. Current Candidate EDR API Specification
    Outstanding Issues from SWG
    Outstanding Pull Requests
    Way forward

  5. Any Other Business
    May/June Webinar

  6. Next Meeting
    June TC session


Attending: Chris Little
Dave Blodgett
Boyi Shangguan
Chuck Heazel
Frederic Guillaud
Igor Andruski
Lei Hu
Chris Lynnes
Mark Burgoyne
Mingda Shang
Paul Hershberg
Pavol Novotny
Peng Yue
Roope Tervo
Shane Mill
Steve Olson
Tom Kralidis
Jim Kreft

  • Completed IPR Call
  • Group agreed to the agenda
  • Reviewed previous meeting agenda

  • Review sprint summary
  • Steve Olson mentions that Scott from OGC is happy with the level of participation we had in the sprint.
  • Lessons learned -- OGC has two upcoming hackathons.
  • We will draft a blog-post about the sprint for OGC to post.
  • groups vs collections -- dblodgett thinks we should step back from this issue a bit.
    • groups defined here as consistent dimensionality.
  • The group will review and this will be final after the next call.
  • Reviewed sprint issues.
  • Note that we are not going to address streaming directly -- it is an implementors choice.
  • Will transfer a few issues to the spec repo.
  • Potential recommendations:
    • Essence of the report is retrieval by coordinates.
    • Different from features but is compatible.
    • Lessons learned.
      • People couldn't hide from distractions.
      • Seemed like keeping it on a specific time-zone was good.
    • Agreed that we would take multiple time formats forward (WKT and ISO)
    • Discussed using identifiers for as a proxy for coordinates.
      • Might use identifiers as a proxy for time.
      • Generally people like this kind of approach.
      • Need to spend some more time with what this would mean -- is "latest" a good example?
  • Issues review:
    • Can close #43 when that change is merged.
    • #40 -- can stay open for a bit. Agree that we should use something that exists. (opensearch? other options?)
    • #38 -- We generally agree that an EDR API should distribute one dataset and not be a catalog of datasets.
    • #35 -- Conformance test -- will lift where we can, work to do on things like payloads.
    • #34 -- Authors of the spec? -- Plan to ask all the charter members.
    • #28 -- Discussion is ongoing but it's too soon to close. Need to balance how much import from features or if we have an extension to features.
    • #26 -- Seams like this is a little out of sync with the aims of the spec. Need to make this clear in some scope note in the spec? Will close this issue as won't fix.
    • #16 -- need to document in the spec and close.
    • #9 -- need to document in the spec and close.
  • Way Forward
    • Will participate in OGC Webinar
  • Any other business
    • No.
  • Happy with this time?
    • Wednesday or Thursday?
    • Next call same time in two weeks.

Side note: Regarding HDF5 data from Chris Lynnes

  • NOAA working on a tool to work with HDF5 datasets.



  • All sprint attendees should review the sprint report. -- changes due in one week (15th) -- finalize a week after (22nd).
    • Ensure that the report reflects your sprint objectives and close your objectives issue.
    • What recommendations should be in the report -- ensure we have things represented?
  • Steve will circulate a blog post -- try to get it to the SWG ~April 15th
  • Chris will check with charter members about being authors of the spec.
    • Yes from all on the meeting.
  • Chris will comment on and close #26
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