Changes on this release
- Cloud functionality added
- Config changes for cloud functionality
port = "9595" # define port number to run the service. It's your responsibility to select an unused port number.
guideline_file = "guideline_hearts.json" # name of the guideline JSON file
guideline_content_file = "guideline_hearts_content.json" # name of the guideline content JSON file
goal_file = "goals_hearts.json" # name of the goal JSON file
goal_content_file = "goals_hearts_content.json" # name of the goal content JSON file
log_file = "ohas-logs.db" # name of the logs database file
guideline_path = "contents" # path of the directory for guideline JSON and guideline content JSON file
goal_path = "contents" # path of the directory for goal JSON and goal content JSON file
log_file_path = "~" # path of the log file
cloud_enable = false
cloud_bucket_name = ""
cloud_config_file = ""
cloud_db_host = ""
cloud_db_name = ""
cloud_db_user = ""
cloud_db_password = ""