Decentralized social media app for Hive Blockchain ⛓️ Successor to hive/condenser> aka
The project consists of three apps:
- auth
- blog
- wallet
- Node.js >= 20.0.0 & <21.0.0
If you have Volta installed, the 20.11.1 version of Node.js in pinned in the main package.json file.
We are using pnpm for building the project. If you do not have pnpm, you can install it via
npm install -g pnpm
Next, you can run following commands install the dependencies and build the apps
pnpm install
pnpm run build
You can build the apps separately using commands:
pnpm run build:blog
pnpm run build:wallet
pnpm run build:auth
The following commands start the blog app on port 3000, the wallet app on port 4000 and the auth app on port 5000:
pnpm run start:blog
pnpm run start:wallet
pnpm run start:auth
To run tests use the following commands:
pnpm run all:pw:test:local
You can run the test for only the blog or only the wallet apps using one of the following commands:
pnpm run blog:pw:test:local
pnpm run wallet:pw:test:local
To build Docker images use the following commands:
./scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/auth' --app-path='/apps/auth' --app-name='auth' "$(pwd)"
./scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/blog' --app-path='/apps/blog' --app-name='blog' "$(pwd)"
./scripts/ --app-scope='@hive/wallet' --app-path='/apps/wallet' --app-name='wallet' "$(pwd)"
All the options available can be displayed by running scripts/ --help
To start Docker images run the following commands:
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/auth" \
--app-path="/apps/auth" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-auth" \
--port=5000 \
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/blog" \
--app-path="/apps/blog" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-blog" \
--port=3000 \
scripts/ \
--image="" \
--app-scope="@hive/wallet" \
--app-path="/apps/wallet" \
--api-endpoint="" \
--images-endpoint="" \
--name="denser-wallet" \
--port=4000 \
They will start the auth app on port 5000, the blog app on port 3000 and the wallet app on port 4000. The containers will delete themselves once stopped.
All the options available can be displayed by running scripts/ --help
Alternatively, you can use the Composefile - ports will be the same as above:
pushd docker
docker compose up --detach
If you wish to change parameters (like API endpoints or ports) when using the Composefile, edit the accompanying .env file
To stop and delete the containers use command docker compose down
There are two qucikstart scripts available for quickly setting up a local mirrornet HAF API stack:
Those scripts use the command described int the next section exactly as shown in the examples.
performs the following actions:
- initializing and updating of Git submodules,
- stopping and deleting a stack set up with the previous invocation of the script,
- downloading and installing the newest block_log_util from HAF's develop branch,
- downloading and extracting the mirrornet block log, artifacts and alternate chain spec files,
- building local Denser Docker images,
- setting up the local mirrornet stack,
- replaying the block log and syncing the apps,
- creating a backup of the stack's data directory,
- starting the stack in block generating mode.
performs the following actions:
- building local Denser Docker images,
- deleting the stack's data directory and restoring it from backup,
- starting the stack in block generating mode.
Setting up the stack is, therefore, as simple as running:
This command will take a very long time. Once it finishes Denser should be available at [https://your-hostname.local:3000] and the stack's API endpoint at [https://your-hostname.local:8443].
The stack can be shut down with command:
./scripts/ --env-files="$(pwd)/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
when it's no longer needed and then started up again with:
may show errors when deleting the old stack if it's not present. It's completely normal.
The following scripts are provided for configuring and managing a local HAF API stack:
- scripts/,
- scripts/,
- scripts/,
- scripts/,
- scripts/
The procedure of starting a local mirrornet stack with faketime for Denser tests is as follows:
Initialize and update the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Obtain the block_log and the block_log_util files.
Block_log_util can be downloaded and installed using the following command:
curl --location --output "${HOME}/hive-utils/block_log_util" ""
chmod +x "${HOME}/hive-utils/block_log_util"
After running the command, block_log_util from the latest HAF develop will be installed in ${HOME}/hive-utils/block_log_util
Block log, alongside its accompanying alternative chain spec and artifacts files, can be obtained from a special Docker image using the following command (in this example it will be extracted to ~/mirrornet-blockchain
./haf/hive/scripts/ci-helpers/ "${HOME}/mirrornet-blockchain" --image-path=/blockchain/
The path given here as a second argument is the same path provided later as --block-log-source=
Build local Denser docker images:
./scripts/ --app-name="auth" --tag="local"
./scripts/ --app-name="blog" --tag="local"
./scripts/ --app-name="wallet" --tag="local"
Configure the stack using the command (assuming block_log_util is in directory ${HOME}/hive-utils/block_log_util
./scripts/ \
--block-log-source="${HOME}/mirrornet-blockchain" \
The are many parameters than can be used to customize the stack. Yuo can see the full list by running ./scripts/ --help
. Stack's configuration can also be altered after the script is finished running by edition the resulting dotenv file - ${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env
If your computer has a proper domain name, you can pass it to the stack by adding --public-hostname
parameter to the command above, ie.
in the generated env file.
Otherwise the stack will use your-hostname.local as its domain name.
This will create stack's data directory at /srv/haf-pool/haf-datadir
, generate block_log.artifacts file, copy the block log, the artifacts file and the HAF ini file to the data directory and store stack's configuration in ${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env
, where ${SRC_DIR}
is Denser's source directory. The process will take a while. Once it's finished, note the value printed after Head block number is:
in the scripts output, then use it to replace the value after --stop-at-block
in the ${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env
file. It is importatnt that the block log size is accurate
If you didn't change the default location of mirrornet-stack.env
and wish to run commands below as they are written, run export SRC_DIR="$(pwd)"
in Denser's source directory.
Now start the stack using the command:
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
and wait for HAF replay and Hivemind sync to finish (--wait-for-sync=
needs to be set to the value the
script printed at Head block number is:
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser --wait-for-sync=5000785
This will likely take a long time to complete.
Note: Do not run
multiple times in a row - even if starting the stack failed. Always
to clean up old containers before
Once the replay and sync are done, backup the stack's data directory to avoid having to perform replay and sync every time you restart the stack.
# Stop the stack first
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
# `sudo` is necessary due to PostgreSQL's data belonging to PostgreSQL user.
sudo cp --recursive --preserve /srv/haf-pool/haf-datadir{,.bak}
After completing the backup, edit you dotenv file and restart the stack.
nano "${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" # use whichever editor you want, nano is just an example
# now remove --replay-blockchain and --stop-at-block arguments, eg. replace line
# ARGUMENTS=--chain-id=44 --skeleton-key=5JNHfZYKGaomSFvd4NUdQ9qMcEAC43kujbfjueTHpVapX1Kzq2n --replay-blockchain --stop-at-block 5000785
# with
# ARGUMENTS=--chain-id=44 --skeleton-key=5JNHfZYKGaomSFvd4NUdQ9qMcEAC43kujbfjueTHpVapX1Kzq2n
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
You can easily restore the backup with the following steps:
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
sudo rm -rf /srv/haf-pool/haf-datadir
sudo cp --recursive --preserve /srv/haf-pool/haf-datadir{.bak,}
docker volume rm mirrornet-api-stack_haf-datadir
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
Now that the stack is running, you can access you Denser instance on [https://your-hostname.local:3000] or [] - note the HTTPS in the URL.
Since the stack runs with self-signed certificates, you need to disable certificate errors in the browser:
/opt/google/chrome/chrome --ignore-certificate-errors
You can stop the stack with command:
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
as mentioned above.
You can obtain the stack's logs using one of the commands:
# Get logs for all services
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
# Get the last 10 lines logs per service for all services
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser --tail=10
# If you want to know the service names, the easiest way is to run
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser --tail=1
# This will display one line of logs per service for all services. Each line will start with `service-name-1 |`
# Get logs for specific service (in this case haf).
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser --service=haf
# Save the logs to file
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser --no-color 2>&1 > mirrornet-api-stack.log
In order to update Denser version (to include new local changes, for example) you need to:
- rebuild Denser's Docker images,
- stop the stack,
- restore the stack's backup,
- optionally edit the stack's dotenv file if you changed Denser's image tag,
- restart the stack.
This is to keep Denser and HAF containers' time in sync.
Important URLs
- [https://your-hostname.local:8080/admin/] or [] - the stack's admin panel
- [https://your-hostname.local:8080/admin/haproxy/] or [] - HAproxy's statistics report
Do not worry if your browser complains about SSL certificates (NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) and wants you to confirm accessing those URLs - the stack is using self-signed certificates.
Quick cURL queries to check if the API is working properly:
curl -vk -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_block", "params":[1], "id":1}' # Hive
curl -vk -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block", "params":{"block_num":1}, "id":1}' # HAfAH
curl -vk -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_trending_tags", "id":1}' # Hivemind
API stack's individual containers are wrapped in the docker container, so they cannot be accessed directly, eg docker inspect haf-world-haf-1
. If you need to access them, you need to do so from within
the dind container, eg.
# Access the container's shell
docker exec -it mirrornet-api-stack-docker-1 sh
# Run docker command
docker inspect haf-world-haf-1
# Exit the container's shell
If, while starting the stack, you get an error like:
Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/volumes/mirrornet-api-stack_haf-datadir/_data': failed to mount local volume: mount /some/path:/var/lib/docker/volumes/mirrornet-api-stack_haf-datadir/_data, flags: 0x1000: no such file or directory
you need to stop the stack, remove the volume and restart the stack:
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
docker volume rm mirrornet-api-stack_haf-datadir
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
If the docker-1 container fails to start with a certificate error, stop the stack, remove all the certificates and start it again
to generate fresh ones.
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
docker volume rm mirrornet-api-stack_docker-certs-client
docker volume rm mirrornet-api-stack_docker-certs-server
docker volume rm mirrornet-api-stack_docker-certs-ca
./scripts/ --env-files="${SRC_DIR}/stack/mirrornet-stack.env" --project-name=mirrornet-api-stack --profiles=denser
You can put your server-key.pem
and server-cert.pem
into ./ssl
directory (it is gitignored). Then you can use commands like npm run devssl:blog
to start application on development server in SSL mode. Use
or any other similar tool to generate server certificates. See
and issue #329.