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openIMIS Frontend Location reference module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Location reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3 Total alerts

Main Menu Contributions


Other Contributions

  • core.Boot: registered UserHealthFacilityLoader and UserDistrictsLoader to load the reference Health Facility (GraphQL: healthFacilities) as well as granted Regions/Districts (GraphQL userDistricts) for the authenticated user

Available Contribution Points


Published Components

  • location.HealthFacilityFullPath: Grid component to display a Health Facility alongs its full path (Region and District). Known usage: Insuree First Service Point. GraphQL: healthFacilities
  • location.HealthFacilityPicker: auto-suggestion picker for Health Facility (debounced search). GraphQL: healthFacilitiesStr
  • location.HealthFacilityLevelPicker: constant-based picker, translation keys: location.healthFacilityLevel.null, location.healthFacilityLevel.C,...
  • location.RegionPicker: auto-suggestion picker for Regions (out of user's registered regions in cache)
  • location.DistrictPicker: auto-suggestion picker for Regions (out of user's registered districts in cache)

Dispatched Redux Actions

  • LOCATION_USER_DISTRICTS_{REQ|RESP|ERR}: loading user's registered districts. Known usage: UserDistrictsLoader boot component
  • LOCATION_USER_HEALTH_FACILITY_FULL_PATH_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, loading user default health facility (full path). Known usage: UserHealthFacilityLoader boot component
  • LOCATION_HEALTH_FACILITY_FULL_PATH_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, loading health facility full path. Known usage: UserHealthFacilityLoader, HealthFacilityFullPathComponent (itself used in insuree.InsureeFirstServicePoint),
  • LOCATION_HEALTH_FACILITIES_STR_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, loading Health Facilities (full text search on code + name). Known usage: HealthFacilityPicker

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)

Configurations Options

  • healthFacilitiesMinCharLookup: minimum characters to type before triggering search in location.HealthFacilityPicker, Default: 2
  • debounceTime: debounce time to wait before triggering search in location.HealthFacilityPicker, Default: 800 ms
  • RegionPicker.selectThreshold: region suggestions count threshold under which the AutoSuggestion switch to a SelectInut (drop down list), default: 10
  • DistrictPicker.selectThreshold: district suggestions count threshold under which the AutoSuggestion switch to a SelectInut (drop down list), default: 10
  • HealthFacilityPicker.selectThreshold: HF suggestions count threshold under which the AutoSuggestion switch to a SelectInut (drop down list), default: 10
  • healthFacilityForm.isHealthFacilityStatusEnabled": enable HF status dropdown (Active/Inactive/Delisted/Idle), default false.
  • healthFacilityForm.isHealthFacilityContractMandatory: make HF contract dates mandatory, default false.