This repo is an experiment to apply the practices of Infrastructure as Code to OpenOakland. Why?
- Inclusivity - Being transparent in our operations promotes collaboration and involvement of many.
- Documentation - We will have documentation in source code about why infrastructure changes were made.
- Sustainability - With better documentation and better participation, we will build a more sustainable organization.
Note: If you are looking to set up the infra repo for your Brigade, see for how to set up the repo for the first time.
To run Terraform within OpenOakland, follow these instructions:
Prerequisites: Homebrew
# 1. Install Terraform
brew install terraform@0.11 jq ansible
# 2. Install 1password command line tool
# from:
op signin [email] A3-[master-key]
eval $(op signin openoakland) # you will have to do this per shell
# Download the root SSH key
op get item 7rh246cuoreo3lurhxdtlf5b44 | jq -r .details.notesPlain > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_openoakland
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa_openoakland
TODO we should be able to get secrets from the terraform state without sharing secrets out of band.
Copy the .env sample and fill it in with secrets from another operator or the terraform state.
$ cp env.sample .env
$ source .env
terraform plan
terraform apply
You can also work with a specific module.
terraform plan -target=module.oakcrime -out=plan.tfplan
terraform apply plan.tfplan
Running Ansible (Councilmatic):
ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/councilmatic/councilmatic.yml
- Create an SSH key which isn't anyone's personal key to use for provisioning a machine
- Use Ansible or some kind of desired-state configuration so that all the setup isn't in terraform
. Collection of Terraform modules used to manage digital infrastructure.