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Panos Kalogeropoulos edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 7 revisions

This page will show you how to quickly deploy the Fleet Management integration, and connect a Teltonika device to it, as a way to showcase the functions of the installation.


  1. A computer that is publically accessible through an FQDN. Of course, can be an EC2 instance, etc. with either an x86 or ARM64 processor. The following instructions will use a headless Ubuntu hostname.
  2. A Docker installation
  3. A Teltonika Telematics device (in this guide, we assume that there is no need for the Teltonika legacy server).
  4. A method of configuring the device, whether that is through SMS, TCT, or Teltonika Configurator. For simplicity, we are going to use the most recent (at the time of writing) Teltonika Configurator for this tutorial
  5. A SIM card


  1. Create an empty folder, where we will keep all fleet-management related files
mkdir fleet-management && \
cd fleet-management
  1. Download docker-compose.yml
  1. Start the docker-compose project, with the correct hostname passed as environment variable OR_HOSTNAME:
OR_HOSTNAME={hostname} docker-compose -p fleet-management up -d
  1. When all Docker containers are healthy (except for fleet-management-deployment-1), pull the certificate file from the proxy container:
sudo docker cp -L fleet-management-proxy-1:/deployment/letsencrypt/live/{your FQDN}/fullchain.pem {path to your directory}/fullchain.pem
  1. Reverse the order of the certificate chain:
awk '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/{x="cert"++i".pem"}; {print > x}' fullchain.pem && \
(cat cert3.pem; cat cert2.pem; cat cert1.pem) > reversed_certchain.pem && \
rm cert1.pem cert2.pem cert3.pem

Teltonika Configurator

  1. Security -> Certificates -> Upload -> select the file reversed_certchain.pem
  2. System -> Codec JSON
  3. GPRS -> Ensure correct APN settings, follow ISP's instructions
  4. GPRS -> Server Settings -> Domain: {hostname}
  5. GPRS -> Server Settings -> Port: 8883
  6. GPRS -> Server Settings -> Protocol: MQTT
  7. GPRS -> Server Settings -> TLS Encryption -> TLS/DTLS
  8. GPRS -> MQTT Settings -> MQTT Client Type -> Custom
  9. GPRS -> MQTT Settings -> Device ID {leave empty}
  10. GPRS -> MQTT Settings -> Data Topic -> {realm Name}/{random client ID}/teltonika/%imei%/data
  11. GPRS -> MQTT Settings -> Commands Topic -> {realm Name}/{random client ID}/teltonika/%imei%/commands

If you want any other device-specific setup, you may do so now.

That's basically it. If you did everything right, you'll see the assets be created in the Assets tab on the map. You can now rename your asset, and use OpenRemote as normal. This guide does not include setup for AssetStateDuration.

For further configuration, see the Tutorial (sidebar).