Simple some-what logplex compatible log sink I used whilst debugging, not feature complete, no persistence etc..
Tested on Linux 3.2 using node 0.8
On a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS instance:
apt-get install nodejs
Please share experiences with CentOS, Fedora, OS X, FreeBSD etc... Note: buildpacks might have environment dependencies that you need to add to the host OS.
Step 1:
git clone logplex
npm install .
Step 2:
Configure LOGPLEX_SERVER in other openruko components
logplex/bin/logplex will check the presence of several environment variables, these must be configured as part of the process start - e.g. configured in supervisord or as part of boot script. see ./logplex/conf.js
- WEBPORT - Port for API interface
- UDP - Port to receive log messages from
foreman start
A lot...
Logplex is part of the openuko logs
command. But you can use it alone.
Start logplex
cd logplex
./debug.launch &
Create a session with one or more tokens. A token is used to identify the origin of the log. It contains some attributes :
- channel: [app, heroku]
- source: web.1, worker.3, router
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST localhost:9996/sessions -d '{"tokens": [{"id": "0010aa99-f5d5-4968-8167-8c4d618c9443", "channel": "app", "source": "run.1"}]}'
Note the returned id.
Use it to send a log in UDP. The format is the following :
echo -n "1353485842018 0010aa99-f5d5-4968-8167-8c4d618c9443 Hello World\n" | nc -4u -q1 localhost 9999
Now print the logs:
curl localhost:9996/sessions/4b5f0918-3943-47f8-a79c-9ad9d42eb6ed
logplex and other openruko components are licensed under MIT.
Matt Freeman email me - im looking for some remote work follow me on twitter