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OpenVINO™ Integration with Optimum* Changelog

Dmitry Kurtaev edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

This is a changelog page for OpenVINO™ Integration with Optimum* module - an extension for Hugging Face Transformers library.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

🚧 v0.0.3 🚧

  • Audio Classification quantization example (Wav2Vec2)
  • Do not remove ONNX model at NNCF save stage
  • IR and PyTorch model inference with OVAutoModelForAudioClassification
  • Add OVMBartForConditionalGeneration model support (language translation)
  • Add a workaround for Protobuf limitation with 2GB during ONNX export
  • Make batch dimension dynamic with OpenVINO 2022.1
  • Fix serialization for 2022.1
  • Added support for old version of Transformers library (2.11.0)
  • Cache TensorFlow converted models for faster initialization
  • Support dynamic shapes API from OpenVINO >= 2022.1
  • Split NNCF and Runtime required dependencies

Initial release of OpenVINO extension of Hugging Face Transformers. Designed as Optimum.

  • OpenVINO runtime
    • OVAutoModelForMaskedLM
    • OVAutoModelWithLMHead
    • OVAutoModelForQuestionAnswering
    • OVAutoModelForSequenceClassification
  • NNCF for training