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Virtual Piano


For this project, we implemented a virtual piano. The application is interactive by allowing the users to play music using their keyboards. Each key corresponds to a note on the piano. This project was interesting because both of us are exposed to the instrument and it would be fun to build one ourselves.


  • Data Abstraction: We used lists to contain the frequencies and images. Only the objects (keys) can access it
  • Recursion: We used iterative recursion to calculate the frequencies needed.
  • Map: We used map to change the frequencies when the user wants to change the scale of they piano keys.
  • Lazy Evaluation: We used the lazy evaluation approach to change the frequencies of the key. The idea is if the user is unsatisfied with how high/low the key sound, he/she can change the frequency to the next set by pressing a button, that way it doesn't get evaluated right away.

External Technologies

The user's keyboard acts as a medium for detecting which key to play. The amount of keys able to be pressed is restricted by hardware.

Deliverable and Demonstration

At the end of this project we had a fully functioning application that accurately performs like a piano. This piano is interactive by allowing the users to use their keyboard to communicate with the User Interface and play music. At the live demo we will demonstrate by playing a song.

Here's what the UI looks like keyboard

Evaluation of Results

We know how successful the application is based on whether or not the program actually plays sounds when a certain key is pressed. It is even more successful that we were able to implement changing which part of the piano keyboard is to be played.

Architecture Diagram

alt text


First Milestone (Sun Apr 9)

  • We had the UI set up and connect each key to their corresponding block.
	; Create image blocks
	(define white-tile (rectangle 80 300 "outline" "black"))
	(define black-tile (rectangle 50 200 "solid" "black"))
	(define white-tile-pressed (square 50 "solid" "black"))
	(define black-tile-pressed (rectangle 50 200 "solid" "white"))
	(define pianolist (list white-tile black-tile white-tile-pressed black-tile-pressed))

	; Design the Piano 
	;Design the layout of black tiles.
	(define draw-black-tiles
	  (overlay/xy  (second pianolist) 100 0
		(overlay/xy (second pianolist) 140 0
			(overlay/xy (second pianolist) 80 0
				(overlay/xy (second pianolist) 80 0
				   (second pianolist))))))

	;Design the layout of white tiles.  
	(define draw-white-tiles
	  (beside (first pianolist) (first pianolist)(first pianolist)(first pianolist)
		(first pianolist)(first pianolist)(first pianolist)(first pianolist)))

	;Putting the two together to get an complete piano
	(define PIANO
		(overlay/align/offset "left" "top" draw-black-tiles -50 0 draw-white-tiles))
  • We stored the needed frequencies in a list using map
	(define (create-tones start end)
		(if (<= start end)
				(set! piano-keys (append piano-keys (list (piano-tone start))))
				(create-tones (+ start 1) end))
				(set! piano-keys (append piano-keys '() ))))

Second Milestone (Sun Apr 16)

  • We aligned the frequencies to the keys and make sure the application plays the right note for each key. A block is highlighted when a key is pressed.
	;Big bang function that controls everything, start universe.
	(big-bang background
	  (to-draw show-it)
	  (on-key key-press)
	  (on-release key-release))
	;When white tile is pressed
	(define (white-pressed t)
		(place-image/align (third pianolist)
			t 330
            "left" "top"
	;When black tile is pressed
	(define (black-pressed t)
		(place-image/align (fourth pianolist)
			t 100
			"left" "top"

	;Main event handler, check for key pressed, then perform to the corresponding function
	(define (key-press im k)
	(cond [(equal? k "a") (begin
                           (play (list-ref piano-keys 0))
                           (white-pressed 116))]
		 [(equal? k "s") (begin
                           (play (list-ref piano-keys 2))
                           (white-pressed 196))]
         [(equal? k "d") (begin
                           (play (list-ref piano-keys 4))
                           (white-pressed 276))]
         [(equal? k "f") (begin
                           (play (list-ref piano-keys 5))
                           (white-pressed 356))]
         [(equal? k "g") (begin
                           (play (list-ref piano-keys 7))
                           (white-pressed 431))]
  • We adjusted the frequencies in the list when the user wants to change the scale by pressing certain buttons
	(define (increase-tone)
		(if (> (+  end-tone 12) 84)
			(set! start-tone (+ start-tone 12))
			(set! end-tone (+ end-tone 12))
			(set! piano-keys (list))
			(create-tones start-tone end-tone)

	(define (decrease-tone)
		(if (< (- start-tone 12) 12)
			(set! start-tone (- start-tone 12))
			(set! end-tone (- end-tone 12))
			(set! piano-keys (list))
			(create-tones start-tone end-tone)

Public Presentation (Mon Apr 24, Wed Apr 26, or Fri Apr 28 [your date to be determined later])

  • We aligned the keys to new frequencies when users want to change the key set.
	[(equal? k "up") (begin (increase-tone) (add-frequency 866))]
	[(equal? k "down") (begin (decrease-tone) (lower-frequency 866))]

Group Responsibilities

Minh Nguyen @minhngu

is responsible for UI and Interaction

Andrew Long @andrewzlong

is responsible for the sounds and the calculations behind them