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Commons Backend Server

This server handles the backend logic for OpSci Commons. It exposes a REST API to the Commons frontend and serves as a proxy between Commons' decentralized storage (Estuary) and Commons' metadata database.

Its purposes are:

  • Authenticate file upload/delete requests using Holo.
  • Forward file uploads/delete requests to Estuary.
  • Handle logic for storing and retrieving metadata of datasets stored on Commons (see the metadata schema).



It is recommended that you run this project with node v16. If you have nvm, you can install node v16 with the following command.

nvm install 16

Use node v16 with the following command.

nvm use 16

Install dependencies.

npm install

This project makes use of environment variables. Copy .env-example to .env, and set the variables in the .env file.

cp .env-example .env

Run the server.

npm run start


  • GET /metadata/datasets/
  • GET /metadata/datasets/published/
  • GET /metadata/datasets/published/byUploader
  • GET /metadata/datasets/published/search/
  • POST /metadata/datasets/publish/
  • GET /metadata/chunks/published/
  • GET /metadata/files/
  • DELETE /metadata/files/
  • GET /metadata/authors/
  • GET /initializeUpload/
  • POST /uploadToEstuary/

GET /metadata/datasets?address=<address>

Get metadata for all datasets uploaded by user with the specified address. Returns an array of metadata items for every file in every dataset uploaded by the user.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address Uploader of datasets of interest string query true
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/datasets/address=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved file metadata
      • Example response:
              "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
              "title": "Example Title",
              "description": "Example description",
              "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
              "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
              "license": "MIT",
              "doi": "123",
              "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
              "published": false,
              "size": 10,
              "standard": {
                  "bids": {
                      "validated": true,
                      "version": "1.9.0",
                      "deidentified": true,
                      "modality": [],
                      "tasks": [],
                      "warnings": "",
                      "errors": ""
              "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
              "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or there are no datasets for the specified address
      • response:
        { "error": "No datasets for the specified address" }

GET /metadata/datasets/published?id=<_id>

Get the dataset with the specified ID. If the dataset has not been published, an error is returned.

If no "id" parameter is found in the query, all published datasets are returned.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    id _id of the desired published dataset string query false
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/datasets/published?id=62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved dataset metadata with specified id

      • Example response (where id is specified):

              "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
              "title": "Example Title",
              "description": "Example description",
              "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
              "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
              "license": "MIT",
              "doi": "123",
              "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
              "published": false,
              "size": 10,
              "standard": {
                  "bids": {
                      "validated": true,
                      "version": "1.9.0",
                      "deidentified": true,
                      "modality": [],
                      "tasks": [],
                      "warnings": "",
                      "errors": ""
              "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
              "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
        • Example response (where id is NOT specified):
                  "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
                  "title": "Example Title",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
                  "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
                  "license": "MIT",
                  "doi": "123",
                  "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
                  "published": false,
                  "size": 10,
                  "standard": {
                      "bids": {
                          "validated": true,
                          "version": "1.9.0",
                          "deidentified": true,
                          "modality": [],
                          "tasks": [],
                          "warnings": "",
                          "errors": ""
                  "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
                  "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or there are no datasets with the specified id
      • response:
        { "error": "No published datasets have the specified id" }

GET /metadata/datasets/published/byUploader?uploader=<uploader>

Get the datasets by uploader.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    uploader Uploader's blockchain address string query false
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/datasets/published/byUploader?uploader=0xdbd6b2c02338919EdAa192F5b60F5e5840A50074'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved dataset metadata for datasets uploaded by the given address.

      • Example response:

              "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
              "title": "Example Title",
              "description": "Example description",
              "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
              "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
              "license": "MIT",
              "doi": "123",
              "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
              "published": false,
              "size": 10,
              "standard": {
                  "bids": {
                      "validated": true,
                      "version": "1.9.0",
                      "deidentified": true,
                      "modality": [],
                      "tasks": [],
                      "warnings": "",
                      "errors": ""
              "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
              "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    • 404

      • response:
        { "error": "Found no datasets whose uploader is 0x123" }

GET /metadata/datasets/published/search?searchStr=<searchStr>

Search published datasets.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    searchStr Query string string query false
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/datasets/published/search?searchStr=BIDS'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved metadata for datasets matching search string
      • Example response:
                  "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
                  "title": "Example Title",
                  "description": "Example description",
                  "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
                  "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
                  "license": "MIT",
                  "doi": "123",
                  "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
                  "published": false,
                  "size": 10,
                  "standard": {
                      "bids": {
                          "validated": true,
                          "version": "1.9.0",
                          "deidentified": true,
                          "modality": [],
                          "tasks": [],
                          "warnings": "",
                          "errors": ""
                  "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
                  "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    • 404

      • description: Search yielded no results.
      • response:
        { "error": "No published datasets found" }
    • 400

      • description: searchStr was not provided, or an error occurred.

POST /metadata/datasets/publish

Publish the dataset designated by datasetId. The requestor must also provide their address and their signature of the concatenation of address (as string) and datasetId (as string), i.e., sign(<address><datasetId>). The address must match the address of the signer.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address Uploader of the dataset to publish string body true
    signature Signature from uploader string body true
    datasetId _id of dataset to publish string body true
    title Title of dataset to publish string body true
    description Description of dataset to publish string body true
    authors Author(s) of dataset to publish string body true
    keywords Keywords of dataset to publish string body false
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/datasets/address=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000&signature=0x...123&datasetId=62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved file metadata
      • Example response:
              "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
              "title": "Example Title",
              "description": "Example description",
              "authors": ["Author 1", "Author 2"],
              "uploader": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // blockchain address
              "license": "MIT",
              "doi": "123",
              "keywords": ["Keyword 1", "Keyword 2"],
              "published": false,
              "size": 10,
              "standard": {
                  "bids": {
                      "validated": true,
                      "version": "1.9.0",
                      "deidentified": true,
                      "modality": [],
                      "tasks": [],
                      "warnings": "",
                      "errors": ""
              "miscellaneous": { "partOf": "DANDI" },
              "chunkIds": [new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645ea")] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or there are no datasets for the specified address
      • response:
        { "error": "No datasets for the specified address" }

GET /metadata/chunks/published?datasetId=<datasetId>

Get chunks by datasetId.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    datasetId _id of chunk's parent dataset string query true
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/chunks/published/?datasetId=62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved metadata for chunks belonging to the specified dataset
      • Example response:
                  "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645fa"),
                  "datasetId": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9"),
                  "path": "/",
                  "doi": "",
                  "storageIds": {"cid": "0x123...", "estuaryId": 5555},
                  "fileIds": ["62c8662757a389a8fbd64513",...],
                  "size": 100
    • 404

      • description: No chunks are children of the specified dataset.
      • response:
        { "error": "Found no chunks whose parent dataset is 62c8662757a389a8fbd645e9" }
    • 400

      • description: datasetId was not provided, or an error occurred.

GET /metadata/files?address=<address>

Get metadata for all files uploaded by user with the specified address. Returns an array of metadata items for every file in every file uploaded by the user.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address Uploader of files of interest string query true
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/files/address=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved file metadata
      • Example response:
              "chunkId": "1", // id of parent chunk
              "name": "fileName",
              "path": "dir1/dir2",
              "size": 2,
              "documentation": "",
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or there are no files for the specified address
      • response:
        { "error": "No files for the specified address" }

DELETE /metadata/files?address=<address>&signature=<signature>&estuaryId=<estuaryId>

Delete all the file designated by estuaryId from Estuary, and delete all metadata associated with the file's children (if the file is an archive of a directory). The user must provide a signature of the string /metadata/files?address=<address>&estuaryId=<estuaryId>.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address The uploader's blockchain address string query true
    signature Cryptographic signature from the uploader string query true
    estuaryId The Estuary ID of the file to delete string query true
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/files/address=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved file metadata
      • Example response:
              "chunkId": "1", // id of parent chunk
              "name": "fileName",
              "path": "dir1/dir2",
              "size": 2,
              "documentation": "",
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or there are no files for the specified address
      • response:
        { "error": "No files for the specified address" }

GET /metadata/authors?datasetId=<datasetId>

Get the authors of a dataset.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    datasetId dataset _id string query true
  • Example

    curl -X GET 'https://localhost:3005/metadata/authors/datasetId=62c8662757a389a8fbd645fa'
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Successfully retrieved author objects for all authors of the dataset
      • Example response:
              "_id": new ObjectId("62c8662757a389a8fbd645fa"),
              "name": "John Doe",
              "orcid": "0000-0000-0000-0000",
              "email": "",
              "blockchainAddress": ""
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, the dataset does not exist, or the dataset does not have authors
      • response:
        { "error": "There are no authors for the specified dataset" }

GET /initializeUpload?address=<address>

Initialize an upload interaction. This endpoint returns a message which the user must sign in order to upload.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address The user's blockchain address string query true
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Example response:
        { "message": "123random" }
    • 400

      • Description: An error occurred
      • Example response:
        { "error": "No address found in query string. Please specify address." }

POST /uploadToEstuary

Upload files to Estuary. Before uploading, the user must get a nonce from /initializeUpload and sign it with their private key. The resulting signature must be included in the request body. This is used for authentication.

  • Parameters

    name description type in required
    address The uploader's blockchain address string body true
    signature Cryptographic signature from the uploader string body true
    data Files to upload (uploaded as FormData) string body true
    <filename> <filepath> string body true
  • Example

      const formData = new FormData()
      formData.append('address', address)
      formData.append('signature', signature)
      for (const file of files) {
        formData.append('data', file)
        formData.append(, file.path)
      try {
        const resp = await fetch(
            method: 'POST',
            body: formData
      } catch (err) {}
  • Responses

    • 200

      • Example response:
          "data": "Successfully uploaded file(s) for 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    • 400

      • description: An error occurred, or the request was unauthorized
      • response:
        { "error": "An error ocurred" }


At a high level, there are 4 components of OpSci Commons:

  • Frontend (user interface)
  • Backend server
  • Metadata database
  • Estuary (which uses IPFS & Filecoin)

Frontend. This is where users upload, publish, search, and download datasets.

Backend server. This server handles access control logic and acts as a proxy between the frontend and the other two components.

Metadata database. Stores dataset metadata according to the metadata schema. Note: This database could be a MongoDB cluster, an on-chain smart contract, or something else.

Estuary. An open source service run by Protocol Labs that allows developers to easily upload to IPFS and Filecoin. (Check it out here.) It is used by OpSci Commons to store extremely large datasets.

Architecture Diagrams

Upload Dataset

Publish Dataset

Search Datasets

Delete Dataset

Metadata Schema

dataset: {
    _id: any // MongoDB ObjectId object
    title: string
    description: string
    authors: any[] // MongoDB ObjectId object // pointers to author objects
    uploader: string // blockchain address
    license: string
    doi: string
    keywords: string[]
    published: boolean
    size: number
    standard: {
        bids: {
            validated: boolean
            version: string
            deidentified: boolean
            modalities: string[]
            tasks: string[]
            warnings: string[]
            errors: string[]
        STANDARD2: {
    miscellaneous: any
    chunkIds: any[] // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects

chunk: {
    _id: any // MongoDB ObjectId object
    datasetId: any // id of parent dataset // MongoDB ObjectId object
    path: string
    doi: string
    storageIds: {cid: -cid-, estuaryId: -estuaryId-}
    fileIds: any[] // array of commonsFileIds // array of MongoDB ObjectId objects
    size: number

commonsFile: {
    _id: any // MongoDB ObjectId object
    chunkId: any // id of parent chunk // MongoDB ObjectId object
    name: string
    path: string
    size: number
    documentation: string

author: {
    _id: any // MongoDB ObjectId object
    name: string
    orcid: string
    email: string
    blockchainAddress: string


No description, website, or topics provided.







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