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Added xmgrace output for pdos calculation similar to dos calculations
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This labelling may not be entirely correct when using hand-selected projectors.
This is because all the labels for the projector (symbol, species, species_num and angular momentum)
are written out to the label even when some are superfluous.

Book-keeping is a bit of a pain for it so probablt easier to adjust plot by hand...
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Visagan Ravindran committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent d541040 commit da7bd13
Showing 1 changed file with 188 additions and 1 deletion.
189 changes: 188 additions & 1 deletion optados/src/pdos.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module od_pdos
use od_constants, only: dp
use od_projection_utils, only: projection_array, matrix_weights, max_am, proj_symbol, num_proj, shortcut
use od_parameters, only: output_format

implicit none

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ subroutine pdos_write
! Write out the pdos that was requested. Write them all to the same file, unless
! we don't have a short cut. In this case, write 10 projectors per file.
use od_io, only: seedname
use od_io, only: seedname, stdout
use od_parameters, only: devel_flag
implicit none

character(len=20) :: start_iproj_name, end_iproj_name
Expand All @@ -120,6 +122,18 @@ subroutine pdos_write
! write everything to one file
name = trim(seedname)//'.pdos.dat'
call write_proj_to_file(1, num_proj, name)

! write a xmgrace file V Ravindran 07/07/2024
name = trim(seedname)//'.pdos.agr'
if (trim(output_format) == 'xmgrace') then
call write_pdos_xmgrace(1, num_proj, name)
else if (trim(output_format) == 'gnuplot') then
write (stdout, *) ' WARNING: GNUPLOT output not yet available for pdos, calling xmgrace'
call write_pdos_xmgrace(1, num_proj, name)
write (stdout, *) ' WARNING: Unknown output format requested for pdos, continuing...'
end if

else ! not shortcut
nfile = int(num_proj/10) + 1 ! Number of output files
do ifile = 1, nfile
Expand All @@ -134,6 +148,21 @@ subroutine pdos_write
write (end_iproj_name, '(I20.4)') end_iproj
name = trim(seedname)//'.pdos.proj-'//trim(adjustl(start_iproj_name))//'-'//trim(adjustl(end_iproj_name))//'.dat'
call write_proj_to_file(start_iproj, end_iproj, name)

! write a xmgrace file V Ravindran 07/07/2024
if (index(devel_flag, 'pdos_write_grace') > 0) then
if (ifile == 1) write (stdout, *) ' WARNING: xmgrace output for pdos with hand-selected projectors is experimental '
name = trim(seedname)//'.pdos.proj-'//trim(adjustl(start_iproj_name))//'-'//trim(adjustl(end_iproj_name))//'.agr'
if (trim(output_format) == 'xmgrace') then
call write_pdos_xmgrace(start_iproj, end_iproj, name)
else if (trim(output_format) == 'gnuplot') then
if (ifile == 1) write (stdout, *) ' WARNING: GNUPLOT output not yet available for pdos, calling xmgrace'
call write_pdos_xmgrace(start_iproj, end_iproj, name)
if (ifile == 1) write (stdout, *) ' WARNING: Unknown output format requested for pdos, continuing...'
end if
end if

end do
end if
end subroutine pdos_write
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,4 +471,162 @@ end subroutine pdos_report_projectors
!!$ return
!!$ end subroutine general_write_pdos

subroutine write_pdos_xmgrace(start_proj, stop_proj, pdos_name)
! Write out the PDOS to a GRACE batch file
! This routine requires pdos_write_proj_to_file be called first
! in order to 'flip' the PDOS for down spins for plotting.
! V Ravindran : This routine is intended for use primarily with
! 'SPECIES', 'SPECIES_ANG' or 'SITES' projection
! Hand-selected projectors do work but the labels may be off and need
! to be manually adjusted.
use od_projection_utils, only: projection_array
use od_dos_utils, only: E, dos_utils_set_efermi
use od_parameters, only: dos_nbins, set_efermi_zero, projectors_string
use od_algorithms, only: channel_to_am
use od_electronic, only: pdos_mwab, efermi, efermi_set
use od_cell, only: atoms_species_num, num_species
use od_io, only: io_file_unit, io_error, io_date
use xmgrace_utils

implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: start_proj, stop_proj
character(len=*), intent(in) :: pdos_name
character(len=20) :: legend_label
integer :: pdos_file, dataset_no
integer :: iproj, iam, ispecies_num, ispecies, ispin
integer :: ierr
real(kind=dp), allocatable :: E_shift(:)
real(kind=dp) :: plot_efermi
real(kind=dp) :: min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y

if (.not. efermi_set) call dos_utils_set_efermi

! Decide if we want to shift the energies or just write them without a shift
allocate (E_shift(dos_nbins), stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating E_shift in write_pdos_xmgrace')
if (set_efermi_zero) then
E_shift = E - efermi
plot_efermi = 0.0_dp
E_shift = E
plot_efermi = efermi
end if

! Now let's open the file and get ready to tango...
pdos_file = io_file_unit()
open (unit=pdos_file, file=trim(pdos_name), iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error(' ERROR: Cannot open output file in pdos: write_pdos_xmgrace')

! Get the axis limits for the plot
max_x = maxval(E_shift)
min_x = minval(E_shift)
max_y = maxval(dos_partial)
min_y = 0.0_dp
if (pdos_mwab%nspins > 1) min_y = -max_y

! Write out the usual xmgrace bits that we need
call xmgu_setup(pdos_file)
call xmgu_legend(pdos_file)
call xmgu_title(pdos_file, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, 'Electronic Partial Density of States')
call xmgu_subtitle(pdos_file, "Generated by OptaDOS")
call xmgu_axis(pdos_file, 'x', 'Energy (eV)')
call xmgu_axis(pdos_file, 'y', 'PDOS')

call xmgu_vertical_line(pdos_file, plot_efermi, max_y, min_y)

! Now this is where the fun begins...
! We need to loop around spin projectors, atoms (species and species_num) and angular momentum channels
! and assign the appropriate legend labels based on how we conducted the pdos.
do ispin = 1, pdos_mwab%nspins
do iproj = start_proj, stop_proj
dataset_no = iproj + (ispin - 1)*num_proj

! Some of these loops are redundant as we for instance don't need to loop over angular momentum channels
! if we just care about species but this way avoids a messy set of case statements with various nested loops.
do ispecies = 1, num_species
do ispecies_num = 1, atoms_species_num(ispecies)
do iam = 1, max_am

if (projection_array(ispecies, ispecies_num, iam, iproj) == 1) then
select case (trim(projectors_string))
! The legend label will depend on how the user decided to perform the PDOS
! For instance, there is no need to label by angular momentum if the user
! just wanted it be species...
case ('species')
if (pdos_mwab%nspins == 2) then
if (ispin == 1) then
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))//' (up)'
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))//' (down)'
end if
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))
end if
case ('species_ang')
if (pdos_mwab%nspins == 2) then
if (ispin == 1) then
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))//' (\q'//channel_to_am(iam)//'\Q) (up)'
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))//' (\q'//channel_to_am(iam)//'\Q) (down)'
end if
legend_label = trim(proj_symbol(ispecies))//' (\q'//channel_to_am(iam)//'\Q)'
end if
case ('sites')
if (pdos_mwab%nspins == 2) then
if (ispin == 1) then
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0," (up)")') &
proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0," (down)")') &
proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num
end if
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0)') &
proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num
end if
case default
! Doing projectors by hand so just output everything - book-keeping is possibly going to be messed up here...
if (pdos_mwab%nspins == 2) then
if (ispin == 1) then
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0,"(\q",A1,"\Q)",1X,A)') proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num, &
channel_to_am(iam), '(up)'
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0,"(\q",A1,"\Q)",1X,A)') proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num, &
channel_to_am(iam), '(down)'
end if
write (legend_label, '(A3,I0,"(\q",A1,"\Q)")') proj_symbol(ispecies), ispecies_num, &
end if
end select
end if
end do ! iam
end do ! ispecies_num
end do ! ispecies
! Write the header for this dataset
! V Ravindran: only 15 colours appear to be set for Grace, do we want more?
! write(*,'("Dataset ",I3," has label: ", A)') dataset_no, trim(legend_label)
call xmgu_data_header(pdos_file, dataset_no - 1, mod(dataset_no, 15), trim(legend_label))
end do ! iproj
end do ! ispin

! Now let's write the actual pdos values
! NB dos_partial should already be fliped if spin polarised calculation by write_proj_to_file
do ispin = 1, pdos_mwab%nspins
do iproj = start_proj, stop_proj
dataset_no = iproj + (ispin - 1)*num_proj
call xmgu_data(pdos_file, dataset_no - 1, E_shift(:), dos_partial(:, ispin, iproj))
end do
end do

! Well that was fun...
close (pdos_file)

deallocate (E_shift, stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating E_shift in write_pdos_xmgrace')
end subroutine write_pdos_xmgrace
end module od_pdos

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